Revision as of 21:30, 5 September 2019 by Whitenorth (talk | contribs)
- Item type
- Material
- Material type
- Ingredient
- Crafting
- Rarity
- Basic
- Vendor Value
“A sweet-smelling seed that is ground into a powder and used to flavor pastries and tea. It is also widely used in Far Eastern medicines.
— In-game description
Nutmeg is a Ingredient used to craft various meals by the culinarian.
Obtained By
Level 39 Logging from level 40 Mature Tree in Eastern La Noscea, east of Brayflox's Longstop X:19.6 Y:24.9
Purchased From
Dropped By
Used For
Crafting Ingredient
- Elixir (Level 50 Alchemist)
- Jerked Beef (Level 41 Culinarian)
- Salt Cod Puffs (Level 42 Culinarian)
- Fish Soup (Level 43 Culinarian)
- Dzemael Gratin (Level 44 Culinarian)
- Trapper's Quiche (Level 50 Culinarian)
- Spinach Quiche (Level 50 Culinarian)
- Popoto Pancakes (Level 50 Culinarian)