Amajina and Sons Draughtsman

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Amajina and Sons Draughtsman

Fortune may be a fickle mistress, but today she chose to smile upon a lone draughtsman, and for that I thank her...and thank you as well.

— In-game description

Amajina and Sons Draughtsman is a Hyur in Northern Thanalan.

Quests Started

"Well met! I hear tell there was some magitek contraption what caught aflame near these parts. I came Looking to see if i couldn't take afew of the scraps back to the guild to study."
"Why would i do that, you ask? I believe a wise man once said, "Know thy enemy." Or...was it "know thine enemy"? I was never that good with letters. No, engineering has always been my strong suit, and I reckoned if I could pore over the parts, I might be able to figure out how they worked."
"And if we know how it is them machines run, then we'll be that much closer to knowing how they can be destroyed, if you catch my drift. Now, if I only had some kind soul to help me. <wink><wink>"

Reverse Engineering| Gathering ! 49|
Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

FATEs Involved In

Additional Information