Off-duty Porter

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FATE trigger (map icon).png

Off-duty Porter

D-D-Did you hear that? And that? And that!? This d-d-damnable jungle will have my sanity before the sun has turned. I seek only to return home to my wife, my wine, and my warm p-p-pair of ph-ph-phurbleskin room slippers. But look. My legs are j-j-jelly and the sweat pours forth from my brow like there was a raging river inside my head. I simply c-c-c-c-cannot make the journey! B-B-But if there were someone to clear the path for me...

— In-game description

Off-duty Porter is a Hyur found in Eastern La Noscea.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

FATEs Involved In

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