“Well, well! What do we have here? A visitor from above? Welcome to Tamamizu! I am the village gatekeeper. Everyone tells me I am incredibly strong, and that is why I have been asked to stand guard over the city. I have, however, long dreamed of becoming a calligraphist. Nothing is more enjoyable than sitting down with a brush and scripting letters. It is only natural I should feel this way. After all, as my name suggests, I am from the “inkstone.” Ah─I see you are not familiar with our beliefs. Allow me to explain. Each of our souls once resided in the ordinary objects around us. Once we acclimate to this world, we are then transferred into the eggs from which we are born. Despite the physical separation, we maintain a certain connection to that which we were. This is Tamamizu, home to the Kojin of the Blue. It is a wonderful place. Well, wonderful, if only you know how to breathe underwater. This place we have cherished for generations. It is the land that the kami of the sea bestowed upon our people. We receive many blessings from the kami. In collecting and cherishing the treasures they live in, the bond between them and us further is strengthened. The stronger our connection, the more we receive from them. A good example of this is the trading we do. The treasures we sell bring us an abundance of money and new friendships.
— In-game description
Suzuri is a Spoken in The Ruby Sea.
Quests Started
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Quests Involved In
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |