Spineless Basin

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Spineless Basin

Cacti once grew so plentifully within this hollow that it was known as Cactus Basin. The fires of the Calamity purged the soil of most flora, however, and it was not long before locals provided it a better-suited moniker.

— In-game description

Spineless Basin is an area in Central Thanalan, Thanalan.


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Gate of Thal

One of Ul'dah's main entrances, the Gate of Thal's name honors the patron deity of the city. Caravans pass often through its doors, delivering goods to the Sapphire Avenue Exchange.

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Sagolii Gate

The massive portcullis allows the Immortal Flames to cast a watchful eye over travelers and goods passing to and from the Sagolii desert, while serving as a last line of defense against approaching armies from the east.

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The Sultantree is said to have been planted in honor of Sasagan Ul Sisigan, first of his name and founder of Ul'dah.

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Ul'dah Dispatch Yard

Owned by Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern, the Ul'dah Dispatch Yard serves as the hub of the company's freight trains. The revolutionary steam engines in these trains are powered with water heated to boiling by ceruleum, and can carry several tonzes of raw ore, saving both time and manpower.

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Gate of Nald

One of three main portals accessible by the general populace, the Gate of Nald is wide enough for two fully burdened chocobo carriages to enter abreast and still leave room for flanking gateguards. Her Royal Majesty Nanamo Ul Namo has commanded that the portcullis remain open night and day, so as to welcome all who would partake of Ul'dah's wonders.

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Fesca's Watch

Built in the shadow of a towering monolith known as Fesca's Watch, adventurers created the near-eponymous camp outside city walls to escape the exorbitant price of a room within Ul'dah.

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Those refugees who await or have been denied Ul'dahn citizenship have gathered in the shade of the city walls to build a shantytown that grows with each sunrise. The name is a cruel play upon these people-living but a stone's throw from the city, while serving as the targets of those who would keep them from entering.