Delivery Moogle
Template:NPC Infobox For the related questline, see Delivery Moogle Quests.
Delivery Moogles are NPCs which can be commonly found in settlements across Eorzea and beyond. They provide mail services, allowing the player to receive and send mail from friends as well as obtain rewards from the Mogstation and other promotional items.
Delivery Moogles can only carry 100 friend, 20 Mogstation/reward, and 10 GM messages at a time. If at the limit, new rewards can be obtained by clearing out old messages of the same type and using the Reward/Purchase Delivery Request button.
The use of moogles to deliver mail came into use after The Calamity, after the destruction of the aetheryte and linkpearl systems. With no ready way to contact across long distances (aside from screaming very loudly, according to the delivery moogles), the Padjal asked some of the moogles of Black Shroud to aid by carrying messages. Although at first wary of dealing with outsiders, due to fears of being caught and skinned, the delivery moogles grew to enjoy how much appreciation they received for their help.
Talking to a Delivery moogle for the first time:
Delivery Moogle: Greetings, tall one!* I'm a delivery moogle, kupo!
Delivery Moogle: Oh, I know what you're thinking. “Moogles are supposed to hide in trees and avoid contact with outsiders! Why ever would they agree to carry about letters?”
Delivery Moogle: "Why" indeed! If I had my way, I'd be curled up under the canopy of a nice oak dreaming about some beautiful mooglette with a rainbow-colored pom-pom, kupo!
Delivery Moogle: But no, the moon had to go and drop from the sky, causing all of that terrible commotion! Aetherytes were shattered and linkpearls rendered useless. For moons, the poor, wingless people of Eorzea had no way of communicating with each other...beyond screaming at the top of their lungs, which no one really approved of, kupo.
Delivery Moogle: That is, until the little horned ones asked us to assist them by delivering messages. At first we were wary of showing ourselves, worried that one of you might catch and skin us, like you do every other forest furry. But once we saw how much we were appreciated, we knew we'd found our new calling!
Delivery Moogle: And I personally promise to try and not read any along the way, kupo!
- The Delivery Moogle addresses you as "tall one", even if you are a minimum-height Lalafell.
When you have new letters:
Delivery Moogle: Look what we have here! ## new letters have arrived just for you, kupo!
- "##" denotes the number of new letters you have, from 1-20.
When your mailbox is full:
Delivery Moogle: Your mailbox is a complete and utter mess, kupo! ""I had to send a few letters back!"" <--I have to go back and confirm the exact verbiage, as this specific line was written from memory. -Bunistalri
When you have no new letters:
Delivery Moogle: No new letters for you today, kupo!