The Ul'dahn Envoy

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

The Ul'dahn Envoy

The Ul'dahn Envoy Image.png
Quest giver
Hall of Flames (X:8, Y:9)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era
Required items
1 Letter to the Admiral Icon.png  Letter to the Admiral
1 Letter to the Elder Icon.png  Letter to the Elder
Experience 13,440
Gil 286
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Royal Reception
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestCall of the Sea
Feature QuestIt Could Happen to You

Raubahn means to entrust you with a task of the utmost import.

— In-game description





  • Appointing you his personal envoy, Raubahn bids you deliver a missive to the other two leaders of the Eorzean Alliance. In order to facilitate your journey, he bestows upon you an airship pass, which will allow you to travel by air between the three allied nations. Before making your way to the airship landing, be sure to quiz Momodi as to what awaits beyond the deserts of Thanalan.
  • In addition to Ul'dah, the Eorzean Alliance encompasses the city-states of Gridania and Limsa Lominsa. Once you have made your final preparations for the journey, take the Wellhead Lift to the airship landing and speak with Elyenora at the entrance lobby.
  • You are now ready to embark upon the first leg of your journey, which will take you to Limsa Lominsa. Make your way to the landing area and await departure.
  • Having safely arrived in Limsa Lominsa, you must now seek audience with the Admiral. Speak with the Storm honor guard to receive assistance.
  • The Lominsan Admiral, Merlwyb Bloefyswyn, is receptive to the proposal detailed in her counterpart's missive. It appears the Garlean Empire remains a grave threat to Eorzea, with the XIVth Imperial Legion, led by Legatus Gaius van Baelsar, deeply entrenched in the frontier regions. Your mission in Limsa Lominsa now complete, make your way to the airship landing and speak with L'nophlo.
  • You are now ready to embark upon the second leg of your journey, which will take you to Gridania. Make your way to the landing area and await departure.
  • Having now met the leaders of both Gridania and Limsa Lominsa, you have discharged your duty as the general's envoy, and learned of the various threats to Eorzea in the process. Amidst this period of turmoil, what meaningful contribution can a lone adventurer make to the realm? Perhaps the answer will be revealed to you in the course of your journeys to come.


Elyenora: Greetings, sir/[GENDER]. This is the reservation counter for passengers traveling to Limsa Lominsa.

Elyenora: If I'm not mistaken, you are the Flame General's envoy, [Forename] [Surname], yes? Highwind Skyways is at your service. Will you be flying with us today?

Airship Attendant: Attention, all passengers: the airship bound for Limsa Lominsa is about to depart. Please make your way to the boarding gate.

Nanamo Ul Namo: When first we met beneath the Sultantree, I sensed there was something unusual about him/her. I wonder if they will feel the same...

Momodi: Godsspeed, [Forename], godsspeed!

Momodi: If I'm right, they'll be singin' your praises from here to the Farreach before long.

Momodi: May you always walk in the light of the Crystal...

[Cutscene about Gaius Van Baelsar's droll speech blah blah blah]

Arrivals Attendant: Ah, you must be the envoy from Ul'dah! Welcome to Limsa Lominsa, sir/[GENDER]. Admiral Bloefhiswyn awaits your arrival.

Storm Honor Guard: You are the Ul'dahn envoy? Welcome to Limsa Lominsa.

Storm Honor Guard: The Admiral has been looking forward to your arrival.

Storm Honor Guard: Please proceed to the Crow's Lift at your earliest convenience. It will take you to Bulwark Hall.

Storm Honor Guard: Once there, pray speak with Zanthael. He will be pleased to show you in to the Admiral's command room on the Bridge.

Zanthael: Greetings, sir, and welcome to our fair city. If you would permit me to examine the seal on the missive you carry...

Zanthael: Yes, everything seems to be in order. My apologies. We cannot afford to be complacent, you understand. Please, step this way.

???: Enter.

Merlwyb: So the silver-tongued merchants send an adventurer to speak for them. It appears the Ul'dahns place great faith in you.

Merlwyb: This way.

Merlwyb: I bid you welcome.

Merlwyb: I am Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn, Admiral of Limsa Lominsa, and commander of the Maelstrom.

Merlwyb: Now, what news from Thanalan?

Merlwyb: Hm. A memorial service to honor the fallen.

Merlwyb: Seven hells... Has it been five years?

Merlwyb: Five years since the Garlean Empire sought to wrest Eorzea from our grasp...

Merlwyb: It was in answer to the imperial threat that the city-states formed the Grand Companies, and forged the Eorzean Alliance anew. But Garlemald was not content to wager all on a simple contest of martial might. They had other plans─the Meteor project.

Merlwyb: Legatus Nael van Darnus─hells take him─intended to “cleanse” our realm by snatching the lesser moon, Dalamud, from the heavens and casting it down upon our heads. Desperate to prevent this lunatic scheme, we marched our forces to the Carteneau Flats and there met the VIIth Imperial Legion in battle.

Merlwyb: Never have I seen a fight like the Battle of Carteneau─and I have seen full many.

Merlwyb: But though we gave no quarter, spared not one onze of effort...we could not prevent what followed.

Merlwyb: From inside the shell of Dalamud came a winged nightmare─a dragon the size of a bloody city. 'Twas the elder primal Bahamut, bent on making an eighth hell of Eorzea.

Merlwyb: In the space of a breath, the legions of the Empire were set aflame, while our own armies fared little better. 'Twas as if the whole world was burning... Words cannot well describe the scene.

Merlwyb: And some miracle, a few among us were spared.

Merlwyb: Even as I steeled myself for death, a blinding white light enveloped me, robbing me of my senses.

Merlwyb: When I regained them, the dragon was gone, and the still-smoldering land was warped beyond all knowing.

Merlwyb: Were Archon Louisoix still with us, he would doubtless shed some light on these unfathomable happenings. Alas, he is not, and I fear we will want for his wisdom in the days to come.

Merlwyb: For while our nations struggle to recover from the devastation, the beastmen call forth their damned primals to torment us anew.

Merlwyb: Unless we put aside our differences and rebuild now, our foes will catch us unprepared.

Merlwyb: And I speak not only of the beastmen. Do not imagine that the Empire has forsaken its claim on Eorzea. The imperials crowd our borders, waiting to strike.

Merlwyb: Damn it all, we need champions to replace those we lost...

Merlwyb: But such thoughts are worse than worthless. Time is short, and none will save us, save ourselves. It is the duty of every soul who survived the Calamity to work together for the good of Eorzea...and this memorial service may be the very thing to unite us.

Merlwyb: Aye, Raubahn has the right of it. I accept his proposal.

Merlwyb: Your duty is done here, adventurer─I will see to it that the Flame General receives my reply.

Merlwyb: You travel next to Gridania, yes?

Merlwyb: Pray give my regards to the Elder Seedseer. Oh, and tell her the wolf has been sniffing around the stables. A private jest─and one in poor taste─but I would have you tell it all the same.

Merlwyb: Fare you well, [Forename]. May the Navigator guide you on your journey.