“Rumored to be immortal by local villagers, this freshwater fish native to Yanxia is easily discernable by its countless facial "whiskers."
— In-game description
Basic Information
- Recommended Fishing Level: 70
- Fish Type: Spearfishing
- Aquarium Type: ????
- Sizes: Smallest - ??im, Largest - ??im
Rumored to be immortal by local villagers, this freshwater fish native to Yanxia is easily discernable by its countless facial "whiskers."
Obtained By
- Location: Yanxia (x11.0,y37.0), (x9.2, y37.1)
- Hole Level: 70
- Gig Head: Large Gig Head
- Swimming Shadows: Spearfishing 7 Ichthyosaur of any quality
- Condition: N/A
- Weather: N/A
Purchased From
Dropped By
Used For
Crafting Ingredient
Class: N/A
Potential Results:
This fish is caught via Spearfishing. You must have Truth of the Oceans to see the Swimming Shadows fishing node. You will receive periodic notifications of shadows in the waters as you approach the 10 Ichthyosaur mark and may catch more without destroying the Swimming Shadows node.
Notes from a local Fisher
To save a lot of headache, I found it much easier to over-level to 71 using leves (unless you have only been buying your way to the top so far), be geared with at least a lvl 71 fishing rod and lvl 71 gatherer chest piece, and then attempt the Ichtyosaur+Dafangshi catches. Testing this, it took way less time to get the required Ichthyosaur, and on the Swimming Shadows node it was basically 100% HQ chance thus eliminating potential multiple attempts. This will also make the next fisher quest much easier! One other useful tip is to use Veteran Trade to scare away one of the other fish you might spear, to increase the chance of spearing the Ichtyosaur you need.