The Bozjan Southern Front

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See also: Exploratory Missions


The Bozjan Southern Front is an instanced area that up to 72 players can explore simultaneously. It is where players assist the Bozjan Resistance in reclaiming their homeland from the IVth Imperial Legion.



Entering the Bozjan Southern Front

Players can enter the Bozjan southern front by speaking with Sjeros at Gangos (X:5.5 Y:5.4). If entering as a party, the leader must speak with the NPC.

Forming Parties

Unlike other instanced areas, the Bozjan southern front allows the use of party functions such as inviting party members, disbanding the party, and leaving the party without exiting the instance.

  • Please note that if you enter the Bozjan southern front as a member of a party, even if you leave it while within the Bozjan southern front, you will be returned to the party upon exiting the instance.

Level Sync

All forays in the Bozjan southern front are level synced, with character levels adjusted to 80, and all equipment adjusted to item level 430. Furthermore, materia bonuses will be ignored, regardless of the item level of gear affixed with materia.

  • Actions requiring job quest completion will remain inaccessible if their associated quests have not been completed.

Earning Experience

Players who have yet to reach level 80 will earn experience points commensurate with their job level.

Changing Classes and Jobs

You may change between Disciple of War and Magic classes and jobs level 71 or above. Note, however, that you cannot change classes or jobs during combat or when participating in a critical engagement.


Players are free to ride mounts at any time after entering the instance.

  • Please note that mounts cannot fly.


Enemies encountered on the Bozjan southern front will have an icon next to their name denoting their strength. The larger the number on this icon, the more powerful the enemy. Especially dangerous enemies will bear a unique icon with no number.

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Mettle and Resistance Rank


By participating in battles on the Bozjan southern front, players earn mettle. After earning sufficient mettle, players can speak with the Resistance Commander to increase their Resistance rank.

  • Please note that mettle cannot be earned by fighting enemies outside of skirmishes and critical engagements.

Resistance Rank

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Resistance Rank is a representation of your reputation on the Bozjan southern front. As your rank increases, the Resistance's front line will advance, allowing you to explore new areas on the southern front.

Current Resistance rank and mettle earned can be viewed at any time via the HUD.

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After reaching Resistance rank 5, players will begin to lose mettle upon being incapacitated. Players will also lose mettle if they return to the encampment or leave the instance without being revived.

  • Resistance rank cannot go down from losing mettle.

Encounters on the Bozjan Southern Front

Players must assist the soldiers of Bozja by participating in skirmishes and critical engagements. Contributions to these battles will earn players the following rewards:

Victory in these battles is essential to pushing the front line forward and ultimately routing the imperial forces.


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These battles appear throughout the instance, and can be joined by any number of players. Most skirmishes are commenced randomly in the field, with some being triggered by the defeat of certain enemies.

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Critical Engagements

These battles are triggered by the defeat of certain enemies or victory in skirmishes, allowing only a limited number of combatants.

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Critical engagements do not require you to be present in the field to participate. Instead, players must request deployment via the Resistance Recruitment window.

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Joining Critical Engagements

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Once battle has commenced, critical engagements will appear in the Resistance Recruitment window. There, players can confirm whether the Resistance is enlisting more combatants to join the fray, the maximum number of participants, as well as the time remaining for the encounter.

Critical engagements take place in three phases:

1. Registration

Players will have one minute after a critical engagement has been initiated to request deployment. If there are more requests for deployment than are permitted for an engagement, however, participants will be selected at random.

  • When joined in a party, the party leader must request deployment on behalf of their party. In the event participants are selected at random, the party will be accepted or declined as a whole.

2. Preparing for Battle

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Players selected for deployment will have two minutes to prepare for battle. When ready, they can be transported to the battlefield via the Resistance Recruitment window.

Should the maximum number of combatants not be reached before the preparation phase, the Resistance will call for reinforcements, at which point players may again request deployment.

  • When requesting deployment as reinforcements, all players must apply separately, even if they are in a party. Furthermore, combatants will be selected in the order in which they applied rather than by lottery.

3. Battle Commences

When the preparation phase ends, players must take up arms and do battle with imperial forces.

Priority Deployment

It is possible to gain priority deployment for critical engagements. This can be accomplished in one of two ways:

Combatant's Priority Deployment Players who contribute to the initiation of a critical engagement may receive priority when registering for their next deployment.

Quartermaster's Priority Deployment Players may receive priority deployment in exchange for Bozjan clusters by speaking to the Resistance quartermaster at Utya's Aegis (X:14.2 Y:29.6). It should be noted that those with combatant's priority deployment are more likely to be chosen.

  • When registering as a party, all party members must have the same type of priority deployment for it to be recognized.
  • If the number of players requesting priority deployment exceeds the maximum number of combatants, they will be selected by lottery.

Bozjan Clusters

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When defeating enemies on the Bozjan southern front, there is a chance players will come across Bozjan Clusters. These crystals can be traded to the Resistance Quartermaster at Utya's Aegis (X:14.2 Y:29.6) for various goods and services.

The number of Bozjan clusters in your possession can be confirmed via the HUD.

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While battling on the southern front, players will also come across lockboxes. They can be appraised by the Resistance Locksmith at Utya's Aegis (X:15.2 Y:29.7).

Lost Actions

Lost actions are a special type of duty action exclusive to the Bozjan southern front. They have various effects, including those used for attacking, healing, and reviving allies. Their effective use may turn the tide of battle in your fight against the IVth Imperial Legion.

  • Lost actions are unlocked after reaching Resistance rank 2 and progressing the quest line.
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Forgotten Fragments and the Lost Finds Cache

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During their expeditions into the front, players will obtain items known as Forgotten Fragments. These can be examined by a Resistance Appraiser at Utya's Aegis (X:15.3 Y:30.1), transforming them into lost actions.

While unidentified fragments can be placed in your inventory, those transformed into lost actions are stored in the Lost Finds Cache, which can hold up to 200 copies of any lost action.

Lost Finds Holster

To use lost actions in battle, they must first be moved from the lost finds cache to the lost finds holster.

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It should be noted, however, that the lost finds holster has a limited capacity. While this limit can be increased with a higher Resistance rank, you must choose carefully which actions to take into battle.

Up to 10 combinations of your favorite lost actions can be saved as sets.

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Once a set has been loaded, your selection of actions can be confirmed in the Lost Finds Holster window.

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Using Lost Actions

While most lost actions must be converted into duty actions before they are used, some can be used directly from the holster as items.

Using as Duty Actions Lost actions are kept in the lost finds holster until they are assigned as duty actions.

  • Lost actions assigned as duty actions will not be lost upon exiting the Bozjan southern front.

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When two duty actions are set, the controls are as follows:

  • Duty Action 1

RT + Right Thumb-click (R2 + R3)

  • Duty Action 2

LT + Right Thumb-click (L2 + R3)

Using as Items Lost actions categorized as items can be used directly from the lost finds holster to activate their effects. They may also be assigned to your hotbar, making them ideal for use in emergencies.

Field Records

As you progress through quests on the Bozjan southern front, a field record will be added to your collection. Furthermore, completion of certain quests, skirmishes, and critical engagements in the Bozjan southern front will earn you sheaves of notes. These notes can then be used to add entries to the field record.

If you should find sheaves of notes already added to your field record, they can be traded to the Resistance Historian at Utya's Aegis (X:15.0 Y:29.1) for various goods.

Differences from Eureka

Advancement - Mettle and Resistance Rank

Mettle and Resistance rank are similar in concept to experience and leveling, respectively. Mettle is earned by completing skirmishes and critical engagements, and on reaching a certain amounts of mettle, you will be able to increase your resistance rank by talking to the commander. Increasing your Resistance Rank is needed to progress within the front, and unlocks additional features.

Features unlocked by Resistance Rank

Rank Mettle Required New Features / Content Unlocked
1 0 Starting Rank
2 300 Side Quest Lost No Longer, can appraise Forgotten Fragment of Skill, Forgotten Fragment of Preparation, and Forgotten Fragment of Caution
3 1100
4 2200
5 3800 Side Quest On the Offensive, Access to Old Bozja (Second Area), can appraise Forgotten Fragment of Awakening, Forgotten Fragment of Ingenuity, and Forgotten Fragment of Care
6 9400 Side Quest Time to Focus
7 18000 Side Quest Third Time's the Charm
8 32000 Side Quest Pressing Forward, Access to The Alermuc Climb (Third Area), can appraise Forgotten Fragment of Violence, Forgotten Fragment of Resolve, Forgotten Fragment of Support, and Forgotten Fragment of Compassion
9 51300 Side Quest Signature Acquired, Side Quest Picking Up the Trail
10 78000 Side Quest The Lady of Blades, Access to Castrum Lacus Litore
11 106000 Can appraise Forgotten Fragment of Mastery and Forgotten Fragment of Superstition
12 157400 Can appraise Forgotten Fragment of Sagacity
13 252000 Can appraise Forgotten Fragment of Becoming
14 416000 Can appraise Forgotten Fragment of Transcendence
15 703200 Can appraise Forgotten Fragment of Caprice

Bozja events


Skirmishes are functionally identical to FATEs. They require groups of players to travel to certain locations within the battlefield and complete various objective, such as killing mobs, killing a boss, or collecting supplies. Skirmishes grant mettle, experience (for players under level 80), Allagan Tomestone of PhantasmagoriaAllagan Tomestones of Phantasmagoria (For level 80 players), and a chance for various other rewards.

Critical Engagements

Critical engagements are similar to skirmishes, with some key differences. They are limited in the number of players who can participate (Either 24 or 48, depending on the engagement). To participate, you need to register through the UI. If more than the maximum allowed number of players register, players will be chosen at random to participate.

If you are chosen to participate, click the Commence button in the Resistance Recruitment list to teleport to the arena. The arena will have a wall placed around it, preventing players from entering or leaving while the engagement is in progress. Critical engagements are generally more challenging than skirmishes, and grant greater rewards when completed, including mettle, experience (For players under level 80), Allagan Tomestone of AllegoryAllagan Tomestones of Allegory (For level 80 players), and a chance for various other rewards.

Solo Engagements (Duels)

If you perform especially well during certain critical engagements, you may be offered a chance to register for a solo engagement. Solo engagements, or duels, are a special type of engagement that only one player can participate in, and require you to fight a powerful boss. They are extremely difficult, and only the most skilled players will have any hope of beating them. There are 3 different solo engagements, and beating each one grants 99 lockboxes, an exclusive achievement and title, and bragging rights.

Castrum Lacus Litore

Main article: Castrum Lacus Litore

Castrum Lacus Litore is a special engagement that takes place on a separate map and serves as the "finale" to the Bozjan Southern Front. Available after reaching Resistance Rank 10 and completing the prerequisite quests, it is a raid dungeon that allows up to a maximum of 48 players, and is accessed in the same way as a critical engagement. When it pops, click the Register button in the Resistance Recruitment list, and if you are selected, click Commence. Defeating bosses within Castrum Lacus Litore grants Bozjan Coins, which can be exchanged for special armor sets.
