Template talk:Quest infobox

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Revision as of 03:41, 15 December 2021 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
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The infobox prev-quest argument does not correctly interpret quests that have a "," in their title, instead opting to map them to an array, which each side parsed as its own quest. Is there a method to escape a comma so that it is not interpreted as a character separator? - Thanks, UDK450

If you use the html code for "," it will work for you - I had the same problem awhile back ... It's , that will go through as a comma. - Whitenorth

^ Can we get this added to the template parameters to specify that we need to use , instead of a comma? This breaks page navigation, and could be easily explained. - OnyxVindicator

HQ item requirements and rewards

Hi. Is there any way to set the items as high quality in this template?

I'm quite proficient in java and matlab, however I'm very new to using this language in templates and also wiki editing overall. I've tried as many ways I think of but nothing works. Brackets either show around text or break the page, creates red link like Potion of Intelligence HQ, or

{{iconHQ|Mega-Potion of Intelligence}}

using iconHQ template for

HQ Mask.png
Mega-potion of intelligence icon1.png

creates 2 correct picture, but otherwise breaks the req. box and induce error for exceed string length.

My goal is to have the exact same format as now with icon and then item name after, just want to have the icon as HQ version. Not like https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Alchemist_Quests where it's just icons and makes it hard to get an quick overview of what items are needed.

Not sure about making the icon sparkle around the boarder like the in-game icon - since I started editing - I've seen two ways to make the HQ item appear which is either to use the {{HQ}} HQ icon.png template or some templates let you put &HQ when you list the item and it will show. So you'd do 5&HQ Black Willow Log and it would show the icon of the item with the symbol after it. There is an example at the bottom of this template (but that may only be built into that template and not any others) Template:Vendor table row Perhaps if Fenorar sees this they might be able to help they've made some really useful edits to the templates lately and know what they are doing :) I am still learning semanticwiki when I can so not nearly as good as them. JohnnySolas (talk)

Integrate questlink template with the display of quest requirements

On similar thoughts as above. I think it would be beneficial to use questlink template to improve this template. Edited a quest page earlier that had I msq quest as req. and thought that that would be nice to highlight. Maybe even add level req. next to it for that msq quest, since I think most doesn't know all quest names but might know ish what level they have progressed to. Just to minimize the need to always jump through links, back and forth between pages. Might be a discussion in Template talk:questlink but they are quite connected, atleast in this case. To use it on all links in the box, both previous and next could be overkill since that already show which type with the icon in top right corner.