Eehs Forhnesh
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“This wavekin's name means "devourer of eggs," and it fully looks the part.
[Suitable for printing on extra large canvases.]
— In-game description
Basic Information
- Recommended Fishing Level: 90
- Fish Type: Aetherochemical Spills
- Aquarium Type: ????
- Sizes: Smallest - ??im, Largest - ??im
A predator capable of swallowing a dragon egg whole. With no such eggs available to it, it now mindlessly swims aetherochemical springs, jaw slack and mouth agape.
Purchased From
Dropped By
Fishing Log: Apohelos 18-α
- Location: Ultima Thule (x7.0,y22.3)
- Hole Level: 90
- Baits: Chimera Worm, Grey Worm, Versatile Lure
- Mooched From:
- Condition:
- Weather:
Used For
Aetherial Reduction
Yields: Water Crystal, Water Cluster, Endtide Aethersand
Crafting Ingredient
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