A Journey to Remember
Revision as of 04:36, 2 May 2022 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
A Journey to Remember
- Quest giver
- Remumu
- Location
- Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:11.6, Y:11.2)
- Quest line
- The Maiden's Rhapsody
- Level
- 30
- Experience
- Gil
- Patch
- 3.1
“Remumu has caught wind of a promising story, and seeks an adventurer to help separate fact from fiction.
※This quest is available for a limited time only.— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Remumu at Costa del Sol.
- Participate in the FATE "Our Favorite Pastime" to assist with Iroha's training.
- Present the strange stone to Iroha in Limsa Lominsa.
- Participate in the FATE "The Way of the Samurai" to assist with Iroha's training.
- Present the strange stone to Iroha in New Gridania.
- Participate in the FATE "Serket Breaker" to assist in Iroha's training.
- Present the strange stone to Iroha in Ul'dah.
- Participate in the FATE "The Key to Amatsu Kyori" to help Iroha test her technique.
- Speak with Iroha in Limsa Lominsa.
- Report to Remumu.
- Remumu has caught wind of a promising story, and seeks an adventurer to help separate fact from fiction.
- ※This quest is available for a limited time only.
- Remumu, an up-and-coming reporter for the Harbor Herald, is seeking a scoop for her latest article. As luck would have it, townsfolk have been spinning tales of a strange Far Eastern traveler who seeks danger at every opportunity. She claims Petyr Winsome stole her thunder with his piece on an otherworldly traveler, and has jumped at this opportunity to write an amazing story of her own. The only problem is her subject's fixation with dangerous places. It is for this reason Remumu asks for your company in her investigation. According to the latest gossip, the traveler was last seen near Costa del Sol, and that is where she wishes to begin.
- ※Please note that you will be unable to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For details, please check the Lodestone.
- Remumu finds no search is necessary as she is approached by the mysterious traveler shortly after your arrival. She seems to be lost, and asks of places nowhere to be found in Eorzea. Remumu suspects the situation is more complicated than expected, and soon discovers the traveler has lost her memory. She introduces herself as Iroha, and says the only thing she clearly remembers is training to perfect a technique she calls Amatsu Kyori. Remumu supposes that, by continuing her training, she may recall other things related to her drills, and ultimately the purpose of learning this technique. To secure Iroha's success, and hopefully her latest article, Remumu asks you to help. To begin, Iroha suggests going south to practice against the wildlife found along the beach.
- You and Iroha make short work of the crabs scurrying about the beach. She seems satisfied with her training as she makes her way to Limsa Lominsa for a much-needed reprieve. You turn to follow her, but notice an unusual stone washed up along the rocks. Upon touching it, strange visions of an unfamiliar battle flashes before your eyes. Take the stone to Iroha at Bulwark Hall and see if it bears any significance to her.
- The strange stone resonates with Iroha, and a memory suddenly comes rushing back. As countless lives hung in the balance, she fought against a dark lord. However, until she can remember more, she is not convinced it is related to her task. Determined to continue her training in the hopes of remembering more, she seeks to test her strength against the voidsent often seen near Haukke Manor in the Black Shroud.
- The voidsent of Haukke Manor are no match for you and Iroha. As she leaves for the quiet and comfort of Gridania, something catches your attention on the steps to the estate. Another strange stone much like the last one. Take it to Iroha and see if it stirs more memories within her.
- More memories are restored to Iroha, but they are not what she expects. A long journey with a young female companion, a multitude of battles, and comrades beyond counting. She cannot understand why a student would embark on such arduous travels. She suspects the answer lies in other memories, and is more determined than ever to complete her training. Not long before your arrival, she heard talk of a terrible beast in the Sagolii Desert, whose strength is impossible to gauge. Seeing this as a perfect opportunity to sharpen her skills, she wastes no time in heading to southern Thanalan.
- You and Iroha confront a scorpion of monstrous proportions in Sagolii Desert, but in the end it is no match for your combined might. Expecting to find another stone, you take a moment to survey the area as Iroha makes her way to Ul'dah. It is not long before you find a glimmering gem in the sand. Deliver it to Iroha that she may recall more of her past.
- Iroha takes the stone in hand, and memories come flooding back to her once again. She vividly recalls a journey to the past, yet soon realizes it was not her own, but that of a great hero she mistook to be herself. She goes on to tell you that the Vana'diel she means to return to is, in fact, a completely different world. All that remains now is to master Amatsu Kyori. Believing she has grasped the secret to employing this technique, she wishes to confront a horrible beast terrorizing Bronze Lake.
- You meet with Iroha at Bronze Lake and find not one but two voidsent creatures running amok. She engages the dread dragon and asks that you deal with its ahriman companion. Iroha realizes an enchantment is protecting the dragon from harm, but she continues to fight to keep its attention away from you. Perhaps inspired by the finesse with which you dispose of your opponent, Iroha digs deep within herself for the power to finally unleash Amatsu Kyori. The dragon's enchantment is dispelled, and it soon falls before your combined strength. With Bronze Lake now safe, Iroha is overjoyed to see the goal of her training at last realized. There is still much she would speak with you about, but first she suggests returning back to Limsa Lominsa.
- As Iroha tells it, her world, Vana'diel, has been consumed by an inexorable darkness. Fate intervened, however, sending her back in time to prevent this calamity from happening. To do so, she sought a hero who would one day become her mentor and teacher. Though they were together for a time, fate intervened once again by sending her to Eorzea. She worries of something important she can not yet recall, but is consoled by the knowledge she will soon be back at home. Before returning, however, she wishes to thank Remumu, who introduced you to her and set her on the path to recovery.
- Though her journey to Eorzea is not completely clear, Iroha recounts to Remumu her leap through time to seek a hero who would save Vana'diel. She longs desperately to return, and suddenly finds herself reminiscing about the humble origins of a great hero she is proud to call mentor and friend. As she finishes her story and looks into your eyes, she finds something comforting and familiar about you as she inadvertently refers to you as her beloved Master. She quickly apologizes and prepares to take her leave. She closes her eyes and prays she is not too late. But alas, her prayers are unanswered as she finds herself still in your presence. Perhaps a higher power deems her not yet ready to return. Whatever the reason, Iroha is not deterred from her quest. She resolves to continue to hone her skills in the hopes that one day she will find her way home. Remumu cannot help but sigh as she watches Iroha, and her chance to belittle Petyr Winsome, walk out of the Drowning Wench. Still uncertain of where she came from, Remumu hopes she finds her way home all the same.