King Sasagan I

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One of the twin princes of Belah'dia, he and his brother King Sasawefu waged civil war to determine who would claim the throne when their ill father passed away. following over four years of war, the nation of Belah'dia crumbled, and from its ruins rose two twin city-states: Ul'dah under Sasagan and Sil'dih under Sasawefu.

Following his coronation, Sasagan founded the Sultansworn, who would act as his personal guard. The three knights who helped found the nation were bequeathed sacred blades; the Curtana was given to Jhal Tristram, the captain of the Sultansworn, and the other two were given Joyeuse and Durandal, all three blades forged from the same ore as the Oathkeeper. These three knights rose together and became the first Paladins.