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the Steadfast
Female ♀
Viera (Veena)
East Shroud (17.1,21.7)
Quest NPC

Initially encountered as the Peculiar Conjurer.

— In-game description

Sophie is a Viera in East Shroud.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Steel against Steel Class quest 70 Sophie

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Confessions of a Flaming Mongrel Class quest 65 Radovan
For Better or Worse Class quest 63 Radovan
Gunblades of the Patriots Sidequest 80 Radovan
Hired Gunblades Class quest 60 Radovan
Of Defectors and Defenders Class quest 68 Radovan
Steel against Steel Class quest 70 Sophie
The Makings of a Gunbreaker Feature quest 60 Gods' Quiver Bow

Additional Information


Sophie was once part of a resistance group from her homeland of Dalmasca, fighting to liberate her land from the grip of the Garlean Empire. When her entire resistance cell was either killed or captured, she was thrown into an Imperial gaol awaiting execution. It was here that she met Radovan, a Hrothgar who had tunneled his way out of his cell over the course of ten years, and had accidentally tunneled into her cell. The pair used the uproar this caused to escape and begin fleeing back to Bozja, where Radovan said he had a family. Unfortunately, during his time in prison, Bozja had been completely destroyed in what is now known as the Bozja Incident, and it was believed that nobody had survived.

At this devastating loss, Radovan had planned to take his own life. Upon trying, Sophie stopped him, telling him that his life still held meaning, and that he should do his part to stop the Empire from hurting anyone ever again, and protect the weak when they couldn't protect themselves. With this new purpose, Radovan and Sophie made for Eorzea.

Eventually the pair end up in Gridania, where they are beset by bandits. When one attacks Sophie, Radovan attempts to protect her but is overwhelmed by paralysis. It's at this moment that the Warrior of Light appeared and fought off the bandits. Complimenting their skill, Radovan offers to teach the ways of the Gunbreaker to the Warrior of Light. Accepting, the three of them make for the city proper. Sophie and Radovan join the Adventurers' Guild, and begin accepting work.

The trio are tasked with guarding a popular harpsichordist from attacks while she takes a walk through the city. Sure enough, they are attacked by hired goons, who they quickly dispatch. With the true culprit behind the attacks caught, they make their way to Ul'dah to see what sort of work they can find there. Sophie comments that she feels oddly at home in the forest, but agrees to press on regardless.

In Ul'dah, they are hired to scare a woman's ex-husband away after he repeatedly followed and approached her and her son in the street. Sophie seems apprehensive around the woman, but can't quite place why. The mission is carried out, with the woman luring her ex-husband out of the city and the trio intimidating him into leaving her alone. The woman is pleased with the result, and quickly rushes off with her son. It was at this moment that Sophie realized that she had recognized the symptoms of a Somnus addict, as the drug had made its way through the prison where she had been held. As she had become intimately familiar with the signs of withdrawal and abuse, she told the Warrior of Light and Radovan to follow her.

Sure enough, they found the woman about to sell her son to traffickers in exchange for the drug. The boy's father appears and is beaten for trying to stop the deal. Though Radovan is beset by paralysis once again, the Warrior of Light steps in and slays the bandits. Once Radovan regains control, the group approaches the family, and the father explains that the drug has turned the woman into someone else, and that he intended to have her treated for her addiction, and their son would live with him. Sophie explained how she knew something was wrong, and Radovan commended her. Tiring of the hot climate of Thanalan, the group moved next to Limsa Lominsa.

Here they were hired by the Yellowjackets to transport a criminal who turned himself in and planned to expose the underbelly of the city. They meet with Guldweitz and protect him against the criminals who pursue him, until they are stopped at a checkpoint by a Yellowjacket who claimed that the main bulk of the enemy force was up ahead, and that she was to take control of the convict and everyone else was dismissed. Sensing something was off, Radovan urged the other two follow along, until they tracked the Yellowjacket and Guldweitz to a cave, where the Yellowjacket was about to kill him out of revenge for his part in the death of her friend. Radovan and Sophie manage to talk her down, and Guldweitz explains that he is testifying because as his last wish, he hoped to make Limsa Lominsa a better place, free of people like him. Approving of his final choices before he died from his sickness, the group guides him back to the city to safety. Radovan sites his dislike of all the pirates and cutthroats as his reason to move on to Coerthas and the city of Ishgard. Though not a fan of cold climates, Sophie pressed on regardless.

The trio are tasked by the Garlond Ironworks to protect a Garlean defector who intends to come and aid in the fight against the Empire. When it is revealed that the man is being pursued by the Alaudae, a dangerous squad of prisoners who are fighting for their freedom, helmed by Vitus Quo Messalla, a brutal commander who was demoted for his bloodlust, Radovan goads Sophie into staying behind to keep her out of danger, saying he wouldn't be able to protect her and the Garlean engineer. Taking this to mean that he didn't think her capable of protecting herself, Sophie stormed off, staying in the city.

When she learned that the Warrior of Light and Radovan would be passing Camp Dragonhead, she headed there to meet them. When she learned that the defector was Cato Mammula, she explained that he was one of the scientists responsible for the Bozja Incident that claimed the life of Radovan's family. Believing that Radovan intended to kill Cato, the pair set off after him. They found Radovan with his blade drawn and about to strike. The Warrior of Light was able to convince him not to attack, and Radovanclaimed that his honor had been lost before walking off into the blizzard. Sophie suggested they move to a safer location, and guided Cato back to Ishgard.

Since Radovan had gone off by himself, Sophie sought to continue working, and picked up a job from an anonymous client, who asked them to meet him out at Twinpools. Upon reaching the meeting location, Sophie and the Warrior of Light are trapped by Magitek restraints, and the client is revealed to be none other than Vitus. As he is about to deal a lethal blow to the Warrior of Light, Radovan appears and rescues the pair, then activates the shock collars worn by the Adaulae, rendering them immobile. Vitus, as a response, kills the members of the Adaulae, and attacks the group, intending to kill them. After an intense battle, the Warrior of Light slays Vitus. The group then makes for Mor Dhona, where Radovan hopes to teach others the art of the Gunbreaker to pass on the lessons of his people now that he is the only one left. Sophie agrees to stay by his side while he does this.

While Radovan spent his time passing on his people's way, Sophie was put to work by Rowena collecting Tomestones. She also shared stories of Rabanastre, her home, with the Wandering Minstrel. When Radovan learns that there is another Hrothgar Gunbreaker out there who taught Thancred, he realizes that some may have survived the Incident after all. Radovan and Sophie travel across Eorzea together, tracking down the Hrothgar who was also hunting down Radovan. Eventually, in Coerthas, Radovan comes across Rostik, and learns that there are those out there who seek to rebuild Bozja, and invited him to join them. Sophie turned away at this, believing that Radovan would abandon her. To her surprise, Radovan chose to stay with her, calling her his new family. the group returned to Mor Dhona, and Radovan decided to continue on as a bodyguard now that he knew he was not the last Gunbreaker. Sophie also decided she may try to become a diplomat for the people of Dalmasca, in the hopes of bringing her people together after the Empire destroyed her home. Radovan and Sophie both agree that though they would be busy, they would stay together and Mor Dhona would be where they "hung their hats".