Argonauta argo
Argonauta argo
- Item type
- Material
- Material type
- Seafood
- Item Level
- 600
- Rarity
- Green
- Vendor Value
- Patch
- 6.2
“Double the argonauts; double the rulers of limne 3-α.
[Suitable for printing on small canvases.]
— In-game description
Basic Information
- Recommended Fishing Level: 90★★
- Fish Type: Space
- Aquarium Type: ????
- Sizes: Smallest - ??im, Largest - ??im
Inside this single spacefaring shell undulate not one, but two argonauts. Though it is not wholly unusual for creatures to mate for life, this pair shows a remarkable dedication to remaining entangled within their vessel until the end of time itself.
Fishing Log: Limne 3-α
- Location: Ultima Thule (x32,y9)
- Hole Level: 90
- Baits: Stardust
- Mooched From:
- Condition: 2 AM - 4 AM Eorzean Time
- Weather: Umbral Wind
Used For
Crafting Ingredient
No recipes found that match the constraints of the query.
Class: Culinarian (600.00)
Potential Results: