Eyes on the Empire

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Eyes on the Empire

Quest giver
Coerthas Central Highlands (X:24.8, Y:28.8)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era
Required items
1 Letter to Bricelt Icon.png  Letter to Bricelt
Experience 23,320
Gil 1,646
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestCasing the Castrum
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestFootprints in the Snow

Lord Portelaine would like to aid in your search for Biggs and Wedge.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:





  • At the Aurum Vale, Ser Pierremons recounts his sighting of the imperial airship. The vessel has since taken back to the skies, but not before deploying a contingent of imperial troops.


Accepting the Quest

Portelaine: My purpose here is to reconnoiter Garlean activity along Abalathia's Spine. Owing to this, I have the honor of being acquainted with Y'shtola.
Portelaine: Now, the report of the imperial airship's emergency landing came to us by way of Dzemael Darkhold, situated to the west.
Portelaine: Our man stationed at the entrance, a knight named Bricelt, may be able to tell you more. So as to expedite your mission, I shall furnish you with a letter of introduction.
Portelaine: I pray that you will soon be reunited with your comrades. May the Fury grant you strength.

Showing the letter of introduction to Bricelt

Bricelt: You stand before Dzemael Darkhold, the subterranean fortress excavated by the great Ishgardian house of the same name. None but authorized personnel may enter.
<Hand Over Letter to Bricelt>
Bricelt: A letter from Lord Portelaine?
...So you have come about the imperial airship.
Bricelt: According to our scouts, the vessel had scarce touched the ground when a pair of men─captives, by all accounts─burst forth and bolted. Imperial soldiers have since been sighted in the area, seeking to recapture them.
Bricelt: What? The captives are like to be your friends, you say? Then let us pray that they are yet a step ahead of their pursuers...
Bricelt: The emergency landing reportedly took place near the Aurum Vale, situated south and west of here. I suggest you take your search there. Seek out a knight named Pierremons─he should be able to assist you.

Speaking with Pierremons

Pierremons: ...The imperial airship? Aye, I saw it approach to land with mine own two eyes.
Pierremons: I hastened to the landing site, arriving just in time to see the vessel take to the skies again, but not before it had deployed a detachment of troops. Gruff orders were being barked, and there was an air of consternation about them.