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Botanist's Guild
Botanist Actions
Botanist Traits

"The botanist's profession encompasses the procurement of resources from all forms of plant life. This includes harvesting vegetables and grains, tending fruit-bearing trees, cultivating fibrous plants, logging timber, and more.
Botanists also endeavor to educate others about the need to maintain a symbiotic relationship with Eorzea's plants, rather than carelessly stripping them of their useful parts. Owing to their intimacy with nature, botanists are known to revere Nophica, the goddess of abundance." — Game Description

Botanist is a gathering or Disciples of the Land class that harvests resources from plant lives of Eorzea. They gather raw materials for various crafting classes, including Carpenters, Weavers, Culinarians, and Alchemists.

The Botanist Guild is located in Gridania.

To become a botanist, talk to the botanist guild receptionist when you're level 10 or higher on another class.

Botanist Node Locations

Unspoiled Botanist Nodes

Botanist Tools

Botanist Quests



Action Icon Level GP Cost Cooldown Description
Triangulate Triangulate.png 1 0 0 Survey the landscape to locate mature trees and lush vegetation.
Arbor Call Arbor Call.png 3 0 20s Survey the landscape to locate the nearest mature tree or lush vegetation within skill range for 15s. Can only execute while Triangulate is active.
Field Mastery Field Mastery.png 4 50 0 Increases the chance of obtaining items while gathering by 5%.
Field Mastery II Field Mastery II.png 5 100 0 Increases the chance of obtaining items while gathering by 15%.
Arbor Call II Arbor Call II.png 6 0 20s Survey the landscape to locate the highest-level mature tree or lush vegetation within skill range for 15s. Can only execute while Triangulate is active.
Stealth Stealth (botanist).png 8 0 0 Conceal yourself and tread quietly, reducing movement speed, but enabling you to avoid enemies level 20 and below.
Field Mastery III Field Mastery III.png 10 250 0 Increases the chance of obtaining items while gathering by 50%.
Preparation Preparation (botanist).png 12 0 0 Reveals the conditions for obtaining HQ items while gathering.
Leaf Turn Leaf Turn.png 15 100 0 Increases the chance of obtaining HQ items while gathering by 10%. Does not increase chances for items which start at 0%.
Nophica's Ward Nophica's Ward.png 20 400 0 Increases earth shard yield to three.
Menphina's Ward Menphina's Ward.png 20 400 0 Increases ice shard yield to three.
Llymlaen's Ward Llymlaen's Ward.png 20 400 0 Increases wind shard yield to three.
Flora Mastery Flora Mastery.png 23 ??
Bountiful Harvest Bountiful Harvest.png 24 ??
Ageless Words Ageless Words.png 25 300 0 Grants another gathering attempt.
Brunt Force Brunt Force.png 25 0 0 Increases the chance of obtaining regular or HQ items to 100%. Can only be activated after chain #4.
Blessed Harvest Blessed Harvest.png 30 400 0 Increases the number of items obtained during a single gathering attempt by one.
Leaf Turn II Leaf Turn II.png 35 300 0 Increases the chance of obtaining HQ items while gathering by 30%. Does not increase chances for items which start at 0%.
Blessed Harvest II Blessed Harvest II.png 40 500 0 Increases the number of items obtained during a single gathering attempt by two.
Truth of Forests Truth of Forests.png 46 0 0 Further survey the landscape to uncover unspoiled mature trees and lush vegetation.
Toil of the Pioneer Toil of the Pioneer.png 50 300 0 Renders all out-of-reach items reachable.
Collector's Glove Collector's Glove.png 50 ??
Methodical Appraisal Methodical Appraisal.png 50 ??
Discerning Eye Discerning Eye.png 50 ??
Instinctual Appraisal Instinctual Appraisal.png 51 ??
Utmost Caution Utmost Caution.png 51 ??
Deep Breath Deep breath icon1.png 52 ??
Impulsive Appraisal Impulsive Appraisal.png 53 ??
Luck of the Pioneer Luck of the Pioneer.png 55 ??
Single Mind Single Mind.png 57 ??
Prune Prune.png 58 ??
Last Ditch Last ditch icon1.png 59 ??
Prune II Prune II.png 60 ??

Cross-Class Actions

Action Icon Level
Prospect Prospect.png 1
Lay of the Land Lay of the Land.png 3
Lay of the Land II Lay of the Land II.png 6
Byregot's Ward Byregot's Ward.png 20
Nald'thal's Ward Nald'thal's Ward.png 20
Thalik's Ward Thaliak's Ward.png 20


Action Icon Level Description
Auto Triangulate Auto Triangulate.png 2 Automatically activates Triangulate upon changing your class to botanist.
Tree Whisperer Tree Whisperer.png 11 Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mature tree or patch of lush vegetation, improving gathering rate when conditions are met.
Tree Whisperer II Tree Whisperer II.png 16 Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mature tree or patch of lush vegetation, increasing gathering attempts when conditions are met.
Enhanced Stealth Enhanced Stealth (botanist).png 18 Increases the range of enemies avoidable when using Stealth to level 30.
Tree Whisperer III Tree Whisperer III.png 21 Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mature tree or patch of lush vegetation, improving HQ gathering rate when conditions are met.
Tree Whisperer IV Tree Whisperer IV.png 26 Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mature tree or patch of lush vegetation, improving yield when conditions are met.
Enhanced Stealth II Enhanced Stealth II (botanist).png 28 Increases the range of enemies avoidable when using Stealth to level 40.
Enhanced Stealth III Enhanced Stealth III (botanist).png 38 Increases the range of enemies avoidable when using Stealth to level 50.
Ward of the Twelve I Ward of the Twelve I (botanist).png 41 Extends gathering ward increases to crystals.
Nymeia's Ward Nymeia's Ward.png 42
Ward of the Twelve II Ward of the Twelve II (botanist).png 50 Extends gathering ward increases to clusters.
Enhanced Stealth IV Enhanced Stealth IV (botanist).png 50
Tree Whisperer V Tree Whisperer V.png 53
Enhanced Stealth V Enhanced Stealth V (botanist).png 53
Enhanced Stealth VI Enhanced Stealth VI (botanist).png 56

Botanist Guide

Template:Crafting and Gathering