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Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the quest. For the name of the major patch, see patch 5.1.
Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty

Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty Image.JPG
Quest giver
Eulmore (X:11.7, Y:11.7)
Quest line
Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 22,440
Gil 4,200
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestMoving Forward
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestOld Enemies, New Threats
Feature QuestWhere Eagles Nest
Side QuestOne Final Journey

Alphinaud wears a satisfied smile, seemingly content with the state of Eulmore.

— In-game description




Upon speaking with Tataru the first time, several cutscenes and Solo Duty will commence in sequence.

Solo Duty

You will start as Estinien. You will fight your way out of the Garlean imperial palace. Make sure to avoid the area of effect attacks from enemies, and press forward, following Gaius. Once you reach the large bridge, you will enter a small event where you are split up. Follow the path to the left through Imperial Way, through the Principle Dynamics until a cutscene shows. Here you will take on the volatile prototype, Arch Ultima.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Volatile Prototype: Arch Ultima

1st Phase:

You start with 5 options on the pet bar (and will also be on your primary action bar). Ala Morn is your main attack, and will restore some of your HP with each attack. Star Diver is an diving attack, with a relatively medium sized AoE attack. Horrid Roar is also another AoE attack. Drachenlance is a standard 500 damage attack.

Firstly, continue to attack the Arch Ultima, and make sure to always keep moving. The column AoE attacks from Arch Ultima do not have a long cast time. It is recommended you maintain your position towards the flanks (sides) and rear.

After a while, the Garlean scientists will appear and will channel new data to Arch Ultima. Use Horrid Roar get rid of them.

2nd Phase:

When the Lembus Praetorianus ADDs show up, use Horrid Roar to AOE them down, while also dodging the AoE from the Arch Ultima. These ADDs will drop circular AoES, following you. Once destroyed, continue to damage Arch Ultima.

3rd and Final Phase:

This phase is a DPS check, so act accordingly. First, the Arch Ultima will spawn Ultima Bits. You must destroy one of these first to provide a spot to shelter, in order to avoid the radiating AoE from both Arch Ultima and the Ultima Bits. Once the first attack from Arch Ultima is cast and complete, you must go around to each Ultima Bit and destroy each one. Failure to do so will result in a wipe from the following Self-Destruct from each Ultima Bit. More Garlean scientists will appear on the bridge and you will have to AoE them down using Horrid Roar.

Once you get the Arch Ultima down to less than 20%, use the Limit Break to finish the Arch Ultima off using Nidhogg's Fury. After that, the duty is complete.



  • Alphinaud wears a satisfied smile, seemingly content with the state of Eulmore.
  • Eulmore is in Master Chai's capable hands, the future looks bright, and even the long-suffering Kai-Shirr seems to have found both a place and purpose. Yet there are still problems that remain to be solved, not least those of your fellow Scions. Alphinaud suggests returning to the Crystarium, hopeful that Beq Lugg has made headway in their research.
  • You arrive to discover that work on the white auracite has not gone as intended. In fact, your comrades have decided to pursue an alternative solution, having realized that their original plans would inevitably have broken the link between mind and soul. While they labor on, Y'shtola suggests you return to the Source and apprise Krile and the others of all that has transpired.
  • Back at the Rising Stones, Tataru greets your return with customary enthusiasm. Though she is eager to hear of your exploits in the First, she insists you wait for Krile, who is in the process of completing routine ministrations on your stricken comrades. No sooner have you told your tale than you are joined─to your considerable surprise─by the elusive Estinien, who brings troubling tidings from the Empire.
  • Estinien's account of his journey into imperial territory is interrupted when both you and Krile are overcome by the power of the Echo. In a series of visions from the dragoon's recent past, you bear witness to the murder of Emperor Varis; a grueling battle with Zenos himself; and an encounter with a mechanical monstrosity bearing a striking resemblance to the Ultima Weapon. When you eventually return to your senses, Estinien presses on with his report, concluding at length that the Empire poses no threat for the present, though it remains to be seen where Zenos will next resurface. His contract with Tataru thus fulfilled, your old friend gruffly takes his leave to the disappointment of all present.
  • Everyone else has resumed their work, leaving you the rare opportunity to enjoy a moment's respite. But can there ever truly be rest for the righteous? The presence of Zenos alone is proof that powerful forces are yet at play, waiting unseen to pounce on any weakness. Until they see fit to reveal themselves, however, you can do naught but steel yourself for what is to come.
