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Sigmascape V3.0 (Savage)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the (Savage) version. For the level 70 story-mode raid, see Sigmascape V3.0. For the second tier of Omega (Savage) in general, see Omega: Sigmascape (Savage).


Sigmascape V3.0 (Savage)

Sigmascape V3.0 (Savage).png
70 (Sync: 70)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Savage Raids (Stormblood)
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 15 
Req. quest
Feature quest Test World of Ruin
Lower Tower of Ruin, Sigmascape V3.0
Gyr Abania
Stone, Sky, Sea
The echo icon1.png The Echo
Permanent +20%

The urge to flip switches is almost irresistible...even when you know full well the consequences for doing so. Once more your finger moves as if of its own accord, and activates the second phase of the Savage Initiative. As the gentle arrangement drifts from the terminal, you are transported to a remembered vista of the Sigmascape, each lapping wave of the song swelling the boundary of your memories...

— In-game description

Sigmascape V3.0 (Savage) is a level 70 raid introduced in patch 4.2 with Stormblood. The raid is also known as O7S.


Aggressive difficulty r6.png Guardian

In this three-phase battle, players will find themselves in an otherworldly location, akin to a mechanical factory, within a square-shaped arena that includes a dangerous outer wall which should be avoided at all costs. Any player who touches the edges of the arena for any reason will suffer moderate damage and a dispellable Paralysis icon1.png Paralysis debuff, rendering them unable to move, though it can be dispelled via Esuna.png  Esuna.

Whilst facing off against this literal death-machine, players will also notice large monitors outside of the arena which will give some visual hints regarding upcoming mechanics. Compared to the normal version of the battle, these monitors will be a much more prominent feature of the encounter. For example, the Guardian will load programs quite frequently, displaying sprites on the monitor which will indicate which attacks will happen next, forcing the raid to keep a close eye on the screen much more often compared to normal mode.

Below is a list of all mechanics and phases represented via the monitor, as well as a list of generic mechanics you will deal with throughout the encounter (regardless of the monitor).

General Mechanics

Below is a description of generic mechanics that will take place throughout the entire encounter.

  • Magitek Ray - Guardian turns to face a random player and - after an animated wind-up - emits a straight-line AoE across the arena. As a rule of thumb, if the Guardian turns to face you or your general direction unexpectedly and you notice blue energy forming by its cannon, a hefty side-step can take you out of danger. Any player hit by the beam will suffer high damage and be afflicted with a stackable Vulnerability Up debuff.
  • Arm & Hammer - a devastating tank-buster against Guardian's current target. Be sure to mitigate the blow with cooldowns whenever possible.
  • Atomic Ray - places orange markers upon random damage-dealers. After a brief delay, marked players will detonate via unavoidable AoE damage and leave behind a pulsing orb at their current locations (which will periodically explode in a large AoE radius). As a result, marked players should spread apart from each other (and the rest of the raid) to avoid overlapping the initial explosions. Once the orbs have been dropped, the entire raid should move away from their location seeing as they will soon begin to periodically unleash large AoE explosions until they expire.
  • Prey Missile - places a noticeably large orange-red marker on a random damage dealer. After a brief delay, the marked target will suffer moderate damage and receive a flaming debuff.
  • Missile Simulation - creates multiple missiles at various edges of the arena that will slowly begin to travel from one side to the other, leaving only a few gaps for players to weave through them. Any player hit by a missile will suffer moderate damage and debuffs, so avoid at all costs.
  • Diffractive Plasma - unleashes unavoidable raid-wide AoE that will require heavy healing.
  • Load Program - as mentioned before, the monitors outside of the arena will display an image that represents which program is being loaded. There are four possible programs - each being represented by a recognizable sprite of Dadaluma, Ultros, Air Force, and Bibliotaph.

In savage mode, the first Load will involve either the Dadaluma Program or Bibliotaph Program. Rather than try to make an order from randomization, we'll explain all four programs in their entirety.

Program Mechanics

Unlike the normal version of Sigmascape V3.0, the monitors outside of the arena are far more involved in the encounter. While they still display sprites that represent upcoming mechanics, the Guardian will complicate matters by using various commands that interact with these programs. Commands include:

  • Load (Program) - displays a program (sprite) on the monitor before unleashing a program-specific opening attack.
  • Run (Program) - summons an add based on the program. For example, if the Guardian runs the Biblotaph program, then Bibliotaph will be summoned into the arena.
  • Skip (Program) - causes the Guardian to completely skip the program being displayed on the big screen and run the program on the small screen instead.
  • Retrieve (Program) - causes the Guardian to retrieve and Load a previously Skipped program (see above).
  • Copy (Program) - causes the Guardian to make a copy of the currently active program which it will eventually Paste later in the encounter.
  • Paste (Program) - causes the Guardian to utilize a previously Copied program. Bear in mind that Paste (Program) will not take place until the finale.

Bear in mind that the presence of these program-related mechanics (and two possible phase-orders at the beginning of the battle) means that some loaded programs (displayed below) may not be executed in their entirety. For example, the Guardian may load one program, execute some opening attacks associated with it, then Retrieve a previously skipped program, pushing the fight into a different program prematurely. Also, multiple generic mechanics will take place regardless of any programs in effect.

Program: Dadaluma

Represented by a sprite of Dadaluma performing a flying kick.

  • Load: Whenever the Dadaluma program is loaded, players should expect a knockback in the form of a damaging shockwave. Bear in mind that being knocked into the outer walls of the arena will debilitate you with debuffs, so make sure to position yourself so that you remain inside the arena.

Soon after being Loaded, Guardian will unleash a Missile Simulation, causing the arena to fill with slow travelling missiles that must be avoided at all costs. At the same time, Chakra Burst will spawn eight yellow circles within the arena - each one displaying a slowly descending orb (meteor mechanic), indicating that at least one player must be standing within each circle before the orbs hit the platform. If one (or more) circles are uninhabited by the time the orbs finally descend, the entire raid will suffer damage and Damage Down debuffs (relative to how many orbs were uncaught). Unlike normal mode, players will need to soak the orbs whilst also avoiding the Missile Simulation.

  • Run: Summons Dadaluma into a corner of the arena - an add that should immediately be picked up by the off-tank (and slain by the raid) as soon as possible. Whilst active, he will occasionally unleash an Aura Cannon (straight-line AoE) towards a random player marked via a blue-icon. Aura Cannon will initially be used against a random healer, followed by random damage dealers, and inflicts moderate damage and bleeds upon anyone hit.
Program: Ultros

Represented by a sprite of Ultros, a carnivorous purple octopus and a long-running antagonist of the series.

  • Load: Whenever the Ultros program is loaded, pools of ink will be dropped onto all members of the raid in the form of unavoidable and non-telegraphed AoE circles (unlike the telegraphed version in normal mode). As such, all players will need to spread apart from one another as soon as they notice the Ultros program being loaded to avoid overlapping damage onto fellow teammates. Bear in mind that the initial loading of the Ultros Program is typically followed by a Diffractive Plasma (unavoidable raid-wide AoE), so be sure to heal people up as soon as the ink has dropped.

After being inked, Tentacle Simulation will cause four tentacles to emerge from beneath four random players (indicated by large AoE circles). Unlike normal mode, tentacles spawned during the Ultros program will eventually use Wallop in the direction selected players are facing (rather than in a random fashion). As such, all players should group up in one location to bait the initial tentacle AoE circles whilst all facing in the same direction (so that the upcoming Wallop attacks will be baited in a predictable direction). Wallop - which is a column AoE from each tentacle - has no telegraph and will outright slay any player unlucky enough to be caught in the attack.

  • Run: Summons Ultros into a corner of the arena - an add that should immediately be picked up by the off-tank (and slain by the raid) as soon as possible. Whilst active, Ultros will periodically attempt to cast Stoneskin - an absorb shield that will render him nigh unkillable if he succeeds. As such, Stoneskin should be interrupted at all costs, as failure to do so will likely result in Ultros surviving long enough to enrage and wipe the raid via stacking self-buffs.

Meanwhile, the Guardian will cast Air Raid, becoming untargetable while floating above the arena, eventually targeting a random player with Chain Cannon. Unlike normal mode, there is no tether or telegraph involved, but it can be safely baited by having the entire raid battle Ultros in the corner. By doing so, the Chain Cannon will predictably be used on that location, removing any guesswork. As soon as Chain Cannon is about to be unleashed, all players (as a group) can simply move from one corner to the other whilst the Guardian bombards the previous corner. As soon as Chain Cannon has ended, the Guardian will utilize Main Cannon, dropping a proximity marker at the previously bombarded location. Assuming you have already moved from one corner to the other after baiting Chain Cannon, no further action is required - you will have already moved safely out of range, allowing more time to kill Ultros. However, don't forget to keep interrupting Stoneskin along the way!

Program: Air Force

Represented by a sprite of Air Force, a flying boss encountered during Final Fantasy VI.

  • Load: Whenever the Air Force program is loaded, the Guardian will unleash a point-blank AoE from its current location, forcing everyone in melee range to retreat to safety.
  • Run: Summons four Air Force adds - one per corner - with each one tethering to a random damage dealer. After a brief delay, each add will aim a huge cone-shaped AoE (Diffractive Laser) towards their respective target which, once fired, will destroy any players caught in its wake. As a result, each damage dealer should make an effort to turn the add away from the raid and force the cannons to shoot harmlessly outside of the arena (rather than across it), preferably whilst attacking the add to kill it as soon as possible.

Shortly after the flying adds have been dealt with, Bomb Deployment will create two defusable explosives within the arena - each one displaying a red and blue wire. To defuse a bomb, players must look to see which of the two colors is glowing brighter than the other and stand on that respective wire. However, should any player walk on the incorrect wire for any reason, the bomb will detonate prematurely, wiping the entire raid.

Program: Bibliotaph

Represented by a sprite of the Everliving Bibliotaph - essentially an imposing, walking book (for those who have not encountered Bibliotaph before).

  • Load: Whenever the Bibliotaph program is loaded, players should expect four summoning circles to appear within the arena, much like those encountered when facing Bibliotaph in the Great Gubal Library. The raid will need to quickly 'close' these summoning circles as soon as possible. To do so, four players will need to stand within a summoning circle at the same time, which locks the portal, and then repeat this process for all remaining summoning circles. As such, dividing the raid in half (2x4) and having each group handle two circles each is the quickest method.

Any summoning circles that remain unclosed after a while will eventually disperse, but not before spawning a vicious add that will join the fray.

  • Run: Summons Bibliotaph into a corner of the arena - an add that should immediately be picked up by the off-tank (and slain by the raid) as soon as possible. Whilst active, Bibliotaph will periodically use Thrub, a vicious tank-buster against its primary target for spicy damage.

Phase 2: Virus Combat Program

Essentially the second phase of the encounter, causing the entire raid to acquire a wide range of interacting debuffs that will need to be managed in various ways.

  • Positive/Negative Charge - the entire raid will be debuffed with an even split of "+" or "-" (Positive/Negative) debuffs, and tethered into pairs. Some pairs will share opposite charged (+/-), meaning they will eventually be pulled together, whereas some other pairs will have like charges (such as +/+ or -/-, meaning they will eventually be pushed apart.
  • Searing Wind - afflicts two pairs of players (with opposite charges, meaning each pair will eventually be pulled together). One pair is composed of a tank and healer, and another pair is comprised of two damage dealers. Pairs affected with Searing Wind will periodically unleash massive AoEs at their location, inflicting unavoidable (minor) damage to themselves, but massive damage and knockbacks to anyone overlapped by the AoE. Also, due to the opposite charges, both pairs will eventually be pulled closer together, risking further overlap. As a result, pairs affected by Searing Wind need to spread apart from each other (and move away from the raid) as soon as possible, preferably by standing in adjacent corners away from the boss. For example, one pair spread to the northeast and northwest, while the other pair spread to the southeast and southwest, leaving the center of the arena free for the rest of the raid. After periodically exploding (and eventually being pulled towards each other), the Positive/Negative tether will drop and one final tick of Searing Wind will explode, allowing the pairs to safely rejoin the rest of the raid.
  • Abandonment - afflicts two pairs of players (with like charges, meaning each pair will eventually be pushed apart). One pair is composed of a tank and healer, and another pair is comprised of two damage dealers. Pairs affected with Abandonment need to remain close to at least one other player at all times. If a player with Abandonment ends up alone for any reason, they will be afflicted with Hysteria, causing them to lose control of their character, likely resulting in them walking into other mechanics or the outer wall itself. Seeing as the corners are being utilized to deal with Searing Wind, both pairs with Abandonment should stack together in the arena center so that, when pushed apart by their like charges, they will remain next to another pushed player. By doing so, no player is left alone.
  • Aether Rot - a transferable debuff that will be placed on a single player with Abandonment. If Aether Rot expires, the debuff explodes, resulting in grisly death for all participants. When transferred, the debuff duration will reset, though it cannot be transferred to a player more than once, thus it will need to be passed between raid members in a controlled manner throughout the phase.
  • Viral Weapon - once Abandonment and Searing Wind have resolved, the Guardian will utilize various generic mechanics before unleashing Viral Weapon, removing the Aether Rot debuff and disorienting all players. while disoriented, a rotating pointer will spin overhead, and any attempt to move will cause the marker to cease spinning and move you in the direction being pointed at. Players will need to be extra careful as the Guardian will unleash various mechanics that must be avoided (such as Diffractive Laser, Air Raid and Main Cannon) - made difficult by having only partial control of your character.
  • Diffractive Radar - causes the Guardian to scan the arena via a very noticeable green radar telegraph. Whilst the arena is being scanned, any player who moves for any reason will suffer high damage and be afflicted with paralysis. Bear in mind that this will only affect directional movement, not attacks or spell-casting, so all players are free to continue dealing damage so long as they remain in one spot.

Phase 3: Paste Program

The Virus Combat Program (Phase 2) ends with Paste Program, causing the Guardian to paste one of the programs that were Copied during the first phase of the battle. Due to there being only two possible paths for programs in the first phase, Paste Program will either be the Air Force Program or Ultros Program, followed by Dadaluma Program > Bibliotaph Program or Bibliotaph Program > Dadaluma Program, followed lastly by Air Force or Ultros (whichever wasn't used at the beginning of phase 3). Whilst the mechanics of each program remains the same, it will be chaotically peppered with additional mechanical overlaps, but nothing you haven't dealt with already. The hard enrage is a long cast of Extermination Sequence.


Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Diamond leg gear coffer (il 370) icon1.png  Diamond Leg Gear Coffer (IL 370) Other N/A ABasic 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Diamond head gear coffer (il 370) icon1.png  Diamond Head Gear Coffer (IL 370) Other N/A ABasic 1
Diamond hand gear coffer (il 370) icon1.png  Diamond Hand Gear Coffer (IL 370) Other N/A ABasic 1
Diamond foot gear coffer (il 370) icon1.png  Diamond Foot Gear Coffer (IL 370) Other N/A ABasic 1