Keeping the Flame Alive
Revision as of 05:39, 23 March 2017 by Pollman444 (talk | contribs)
Main Scenario Quest
- Upon speaking with Hozan a second time, you will enter a duty to rescue Raubahn with Yugiri and Alphinaud.
- Yugiri aids you with DPS ninja abilities and has a healing ability, and Alphinaud helps with Arcanist and healing abilities. However, your damage output will likely outperform theirs.
- Proceed northwest through the open doors towards a straightforward path. Along the way, you will fight strong Crystal Brave enemies.
- At the end of the path, you will trigger a cutscene and then find yourself immediately trapped with poison mist lingering in the environment. Quickly destroy the Iron Cell and escape with Alphinaud to eliminate the source of the poison before Raubahn's vitality is depleted.
- Return to the starting point of the duty while defeating Acerbic Jam enemies. You will find a set of stairs in the area that lead up to the source of the poison. Destroy the device to proceed.
- A new path will open in the southwest. Proceed through with Alphinaud and defeat more Crystal Brave enemies to obtain the key to freeing Raubahn.
- Return to Raubahn and another cutscene will initiate, leading you to the final fight of the duty against Ilberd, Yuyuhase, Laurentius, and two more Crystal Braves.
- Ilberd will focus on you, but your first priority should be taking out the Conjurer, and then the Archer. Next, defeat Yuyuhase who is likely weakened by Yugiri, followed by Laurentius, and finally Ilberd.
- Ilberd has a hard-hitting attack that he will jump back before using. Stay cautious and consider using healing abilities or potions if Yugiri or Alphinaud do not heal you quickly.
- Speak with Hozan.
- Speak with Hozan.
- Speak with Doware in front of Halatali.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Enter the Waking Sands.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Hozan would brief you on the mission to rescue Raubahn.
- There is no telling when Raubahn may be executed. Make your preparations without delay, and signal your readiness to begin the mission to the waiting Hozan.
- With the aid of Alphinaud and Yugiri, you have succeeded in rescuing Raubahn from the clutches of the traitorous Crystal Braves. Make your way back outside to eastern Thanalan.
- You emerge in the hot desert air. Speak with Doware, who awaits your return.
- Outside Halatali, you are approached by a messenger, who claims that his mistress is sympathetic to your cause. For your own safety, he bids you make your way to the Waking Sands. Speak with Alphinaud to learn what he thinks of this mysterious invitation.
- Alphinaud is sufficiently convinced that the messenger and his mistress can be trusted. Do as bade and make your way to western Thanalan, where your old haunt the Waking Sands still stands.
- Upon arriving at the Waking Sands, you are greeted by a number of familiar faces─Urianger, Pipin, and Papashan. Soon after, it is revealed that the messenger's mistress is no less an individual than Dewlala, head of the Order of Nald'thal and member of the Syndicate. To Raubahn's immense relief, she confirms Alphinaud's suspicion that Nanamo is still alive, and goes on to speculate that the sultana may be confined somewhere in a state of induced slumber. Trouble Alphinaud for his thoughts on these revelations.
- Alphinaud thanks you for your part in Raubahn's rescue. With the Flame General safe, your work in Ul'dah is done for now.