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Peatie in Pink

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Peatie in Pink

Peatie in Pink image.png
Quest giver
Royal Seneschal
Central Shroud (X:22.5, Y:23.1)
Quest line
Little Ladies' Day & Hatching-tide (2024)
Experience 1,440
Gil 797
Previous quest
Side QuestThe Princesses and the Eggs

The royal seneschal has reached a decision.

※This quest is available for a limited time only.

— In-game description




  • Speak with the royal seneschal in Ul'dah.
  • Speak with Ul'dahn citizens in the Steps of Thal. 0/3
  • Speak with the royal seneschal on Emerald Avenue.
  • /rally Peatie's spirits.
  • Wait at the designated location.
  • Speak with the royal seneschal.


  • The royal seneschal has reached a decision.
    • ※This quest is available for a limited time only.
  • The royal seneschal appears to be Peatie's biggest fan, and he invites both her and Aldemund to Ul'dah, that the goobbue might be the star attraction of this year's Little Ladies' Day. Requesting your assistance in comforting Peatie as she becomes accustomed to the crowds, he departs to Ul'dah to make preparations for her grand debut. Aldemund and Peatie have business to attend to in Gridania before they follow, so the performer asks you to go ahead and await their arrival.
    • ※Please note that you will be unable to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For details, please check the Lodestone.
  • The royal seneschal informs you that the planning committee for Little Ladies' Day has agreed to welcome Peatie with open arms, and now he asks you to help do what you can to spread the same sentiment among the city's populace. He bids you travel to the Steps of Thal and drum up interest in the coming entertainment.
  • While not everyone you speak with is accepting of a goobbue in their city at first, you manage to convince several to attend the show, with some even expressing excitement at the prospect. Who knows how far their enthusiasm might spread? As the show draws near, all that remains is to visit the stage and report your success to the royal seneschal.
  • You arrive at the stage on Emerald Avenue to see a crowd much larger than the one in Gridania, all waiting in anticipation. It seems the presence of so many expectant guests has caused Peatie to freeze up, but Aldemund suggests that you /rally her spirits to shake her out of this fluster.
  • Although Peatie is initially too frightened to respond to your encouragement, a few heartfelt words manage to break her loose from the clutches of fear and give her a newfound sense of determination. With the goobbue ready for her big show, you can now join the crowd and cheer for her success.
  • Peatie takes the stage and dazzles all present with her performance, earning a hearty applause that makes her beam with pride. The royal seneschal appears eager to speak with you after this roaring success.
  • The show is the talk of Ul'dah, and Peatie basks in the people's adoration. Realizing that she is meant to keep on this road and that his best days as a performer are behind him, Aldemund asks that you take his companion along on your adventures. You accept the now-famous goobbue into your company without hesitation, and the royal seneschal and Jihli Aliapoh encourage you both to enjoy the remainder of the celebrations in Ul'dah and Gridania. With so much merrymaking across the realm, smiles will come easy for some time yet.


Before beginning the quest:

Aldemund: There's not a single egg left. Good work spreadin' the word, [Forename]. 
Peatie: Grrr!

Accepting the quest:

Royal Seneschal: Although I've been but a bystander in affairs so far, what I've seen has been truly inspiring. Peatie is possessed not only of a kind heart, but the soul of an entertainer as well!
Royal Seneschal: I would have her be the main attraction of our stage in Ul'dah! On behalf of the Little Ladies' Day Planning Committee, I invite you to our city as honored guests!
Aldemund: Well, I'm not one to decline such an eager invitation. Consider it accepted.
Aldemund: But first, I'd best tell Miss Aliapoh that she'll be needin' more eggs. Go on to Ul'dah─we'll find our own way there before long.
Royal Seneschal: Wonderful! Then I shall depart at once and make the stage ready for your arrival.
Royal Seneschal: Ahem. You've helped tremendously already, but there's no denying that Peatie has taken a shine to you. Might you watch over her in Ul'dah for a while─just until she becomes accustomed to the crowds?
“Peatie in Pink” accepted.

Speaking to the remaining NPCs:

Aldemund: Every stage is different, so it might take a while until Peatie finds her footin'. But her desire to see people smile can't be doubted. She'll shine brighter than all the jewels in any merchant's coffers.
Peatie: Grrr! Hrrr!
Peatie appears excited for her next adventure: bringing joy to the hearts of the realm's little ladies.

Speaking to the Royal Seneschal in Ul'dah:

Royal Seneschal: Ah, you are arrived! You'll be glad to know that I've managed to win over the planning committee with my story of Peatie's show. Ul'dah's gates will be cast wide for her arrival!
Royal Seneschal: If she is amenable to the idea, I would have her be the star attraction on this year's stage.
Royal Seneschal: But the first order of the day is to spread the word! If we tell the citizens what we saw in Bentbranch Meadows, it is my hope that they will welcome Peatie with open arms.
Royal Seneschal: And if her show is a success, then we will have managed a celebration which spans from Gridania to Ul'dah, painting smiles upon the faces of all the realm's little ladies and egg fanatics alike!
Royal Seneschal: I shall stay here and drum up what interest that I can. [Forename], pray head to the Steps of Thal and do the same. Meet me at the stage afterwards and together we can shower Peatie with applause.

Speaking with the remaining NPCs immediately after:

Royal Seneschal: Aldemund and Peatie will wait outside the city gates until the appointed time. Until then, it's up to us to spread the word and muster the largest crowd we can. 

Speaking with Ul'dahn citizens in the Steps of Thal:

Nonchalant Citizen: I didn't know goobbues were capable of anything more than mindless eating. Are you sure this “show” isn't just watching a beast chomping on hay?

What will you say?

> The crowds of Gridania gave her a standing ovation.
Nonchalant Citizen: Well, when you put it that way... Besides, it's not as if I have aught else to do. All right, look for me among the crowd!
> So what if it is? You'll still have a chance to see a goobbue up close.
Elegant Citizen: A goobbue, here in Ul'dah? <shudder> ...That dredges up terrible memories of the rampage I witnessed as a child... 
Elegant Citizen: How do you know that won't happen again? Have you seen this goobbue with your own eyes?

What will you say?

> Yes, and she brought countless smiles to the people of Gridania.
> Yes, and she's as gentle as a tame chocobo.
Elegant Citizen: Is that so? Well, I see no reason why you would lie to me... Very well, I shall go. Perhaps in this way I can conquer my fears...
Distracted Citizen: A goobbue performer? Aren't they dangerous? I suppose a friend of mine was raving about the show she saw in Gridania...if it's the very same, I suppose it's worth a look! 
The time of Peatie's performance draws near. Speak with the royal seneschal before she takes the stage. 

Speaking to the other present NPCs beforehand:

Aldemund: This crowd's got even my knees shakin'... I can't imagine what Peatie must be feelin'. 
Peatie: Grrr...

Speaking to the Royal Seneschal at the Steps of Nald in Ul'dah:

Royal Seneschal: My thanks, [Forename]. It seems word has spread even further than I had hoped. 
Royal Seneschal: And while this is cause for celebration, Peatie appears to be intimidated by their expectant gazes.
Peatie: Grrr... Aldemund: 'Course, you could just hop up on her head and she'd calm down just like that. But we can't lean on you forever.
Aldemund: Why don't you 'rally' her spirits with some encouraging' words, [Forename]? Seems she's warmed to you, and I reckon she'd appreciate whatever you have to say.

Speaking with the present NPCs:

Aldemund: Come on, [Forename]. 'Rally' her spirits like you would your allies before a death-defyin' battle. 
Royal Seneschal: She can dazzle them, she just needs to believe...
Peatie: Grrr...
Peatie is frozen with fright, but she may come to if you 'rally' her spirits.

Using /rally on Peatie:

(Instructions: Left-click on Peatie to focus your character on her, type "/rally" into the chat bar, and press enter.) 
Aldemund: Truth be told, this is her first time performin' alone in front of so many people. I can see why her legs won't listen to her heart.

What will you say?

> Remember how happy you made everyone in Gridania! 
> Don't worry, Peatie, I'm right here.
> Little Ladies' Day needs its princess!

Upon hearing your rallying words, Peatie's countenance changes immediately as she uncovers her face with her arms. She straightens up, nods, and looks at you.

Aldemund: Your words were like a drop of water on a hot day. I reckon Peatie might even like you more than me! 
Royal Seneschal: The show shall start anon. Go on, join the crowd and lend your voice to the cheers!
Peatie: Grrr!
Peatie is ready to take the stage. Join the other bystanders to see what she has in store for Ul'dah's little ladies.

Taking your place in the audience:

Royal Seneschal: And now for the final act! Bedecked in blooming flowers, this goobbue princess has prepared something unforgettable for all the little ladies out there! 
Jihli Aliapoh: This is just how I envisioned it in my dream!
Elegant Citizen: And to think I ever believed goobbues were naught but wild beasts! Oh, I simply adore her!
Animated Citizen: If Hatching-tide is even half as thrilling as this show, I'd best catch the next airship to Gridania!
Aldemund: Heh, all's well that ends well. The little ladies get a great show, and Hatching-tide gets more egg seekers.
Jihli Aliapoh: Their smiles are like so many flowers in full bloom! Peatie will be the talk of Ul'dah for moons to come.
Aldemund: That she will, that she will. I have to thank you, Miss Aliapoh, for givin' us both the chance to bring a little brightness to so many lives.

Speaking with the other present NPCs:

Peatie: Grrr! Graaarrr! 
Peatie appears elated by the crowd's reaction, and gazes at the stage longingly.
Aldemund: I reckon Peatie had the most fun out of everyone here.

Speaking with the Royal Seneschal:

Royal Seneschal: Thank you, Peatie, for bringing joy to the citizens of Ul'dah─especially its little ladies! 
Jihli Aliapoh: That was better than I could have imagined. Hatching-tide and Little Ladies' Day both will be remembered as the highlights of the year!
Aldemund: Couldn't have done it without your help, Bunne. We'll both be lookin' back on this experience with fondness for the rest of our lives.
Aldemund: Speakin' of which...I've got to thinkin' maybe it's time I leave this performance business behind me, and let Peatie spread her wings. I think she'd be more than happy by your side, if you'll have her.
Everyone else present, including you, are visibly taken aback at Aldemund's words.
Aldemund: As for me, I have it in mind to find a place to settle down and rest these old bones.
Aldemund: I'd hate to tie Peatie down just when she's found her passion. If you bring her along on your adventures, she'll be able to deliver smiles to corners of the world I've only heard tales of.

What will you say?

> How could I say no? 
> Are you sure you can manage without her?
Aldemund: Can't deny I already feel the tendrils of loneliness tuggin' at my heart, but they'll lose their grip so long as I know Peatie's with you.
Aldemund: I look forward to hearin' of her exploits as I while the days away. 
Jihli Aliapoh: I don't mean to be rude, but I am required in Gridania. Nonotta must know just how perfectly my dream manifested!
Aldemund: Heh, give the lass our regards, eh? I'll stay here in Ul'dah until the festivities end─and who knows, maybe longer.
Royal Seneschal: And with that, allow me to thank you personally, Bunne. No princess in all the realm could have asked for a more devoted seneschal.
Royal Seneschal: And that includes Peatie. Seeing you dote upon her so dutifully reminded me why I volunteered for this position in the first place.
Royal Seneschal: Although Peatie's show has concluded, Little Ladies' Day has not! Pray enjoy all that we have prepared.
Jihli Aliapoh: And don't be a stranger in Gridania, either!
“Peatie in Pink” complete!

Speaking with the remaining NPCs immediately after:

Aldemund: I know you and Peatie'll have adventures wilder than any I could ever imagine. Make sure to come visit and regale me with your tales, eh? 
Royal Seneschal: The crowd is as lively as I've ever seen it! Would that Peatie could be our star every year!