A Land on Fire
A Land on Fire
- Quest giver
- Neophyte Adventurer
- Location
- Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:9, Y:10)
- Quest line
- Final Fantasy XVI Collaboration: The Path Infernal
- Level
- 50
- Requirements
- The Ultimate Weapon
- Gil
- Next quest
Pain to Recall
- Patch
- 6.58
“The neophyte adventurer seeks the Warrior of Light.
※This quest is available for a limited time only.— In-game description
- Speak with the wandering minstrel at the Burning Wall.
- Use the spyglass from the vantage point to survey the area.
- Wait at the designated location in Ul'dah.
- Speak with Clive.
- The "thing out of place" you are looking for is a "Strange Man" lying on an amber-colored island towards the bottom left of the viewable area, near some gray rocks. See the screenshot to the right.
Talking to the Neophyte Adventurer
Neophyte Adventurer: F-Forgive me my boldness, but you are Forename Surname, are you not?
Are you Forename Surename? (yes/no)
<No.> Neophyte Adventurer: My apologies! Even if you are the spitting image, I suppose it was naive of me to presume that you are indeed the living legend him/herself. I shall have to keep searching...
<Yes.> Neophyte Adventurer: Th-Then my search is at an end. A begoggled gentleman tasked me to find you, you see, in hopes of entreating your aid with...some matter he deigned not share with me. Neophyte Adventurer: Pray remain here, and I shall fetch him at once!
???: Greetings, champion. Wandering Minstrel: 'Tis I who employed the young adventurer to facilitate this impromptu audience. Wandering Minstrel: As for the why, I've a request that you─and you alone─can fulfill. Wandering Minstrel: Pray listen well, for my tale begins with a most unsettling dream... Wandering Minstrel: In it did I behold the evening sky, boundless and shimmering. As I drank deep of its beauty, I spied two stars sailing across the inky expanse—one of purest white, the other blushing scarlet, their courses set such that they might pass without collision. Wandering Minstrel: Sharply and suddenly, the scarlet star shifted its trajectory. High above a burning landscape did its path intersect with that of the white star, their conjunction marked by a brilliant explosion of light. Even in slumber, I was awestruck by the spectacle.
What will you say? > But what does it mean...? > A lovely tale, but I fail to see what that has to do with me.
<But what does it mean...?> Wandering Minstrel: Truth be told, mine own interpretation wavers. My rational mind says "meaningless dream," whilst my artist's soul insists on "prophecy."
<A lovely tale, but I fail to see what that has to do with me.> Wandering Minstrel: I do not wish to make any claims with certainty. And yet...
Wandering Minstrel: Whatever greater meaning this vision might hold, I am convinced that the blazing white star represents the Warrior of Light. In other words, you. Wandering Minstrel: And should these portents indeed foretell future events, you are thus fated to encounter the scarlet star─whomsoever they may be. Wandering Minstrel: I therefore humbly request that you accompany me to the “burning land” from my dream, that I might witness the vision's denouement. I will compensate you for the trouble, of course. Wandering Minstrel: The question is, which territory in Eorzea might be considered “burning,” metaphorically or otherwise...?
What will you say? > The Bowl of Embers where I battled Ifrit? > The Burning Wall in eastern Thanalan? > A place rich in corrupted crystal deposits? They can look quite fiery.
<The Bowl of Embers where I battled Ifrit?> While its relation to flame cannot be denied, mine instincts tell me nay. The scene from my dream was more ridge than bowl—a giant, flickering outcrop of...crystal, mayhap? Of course!
<The Burning Wall in eastern Thanalan?> Ah, that cluster of immense crystals born of the Seventh Umbral Calamity. Aye, it well resembles the sweeping scene from my dream.
<A place rich in corrupted crystal deposits? They can look quite fiery.> These crystals would have to be immense in size, akin to...to those which comprise the Burning Wall. Aye, that site well resembles the sweeping scene from my dream.
Wandering Minstrel: The first mystery is solved. We shall leave for eastern Thanalan and the infamous Burning Wall at once!
Talking to the Wandering Minstrel at the Burning Wall
Wandering Minstrel: The Burning Wall... An apt name indeed. Wandering Minstrel: 'Tis said that these crystalline structures were formed when falling shards of Dalamud pierced the land's aetherial current. Wandering Minstrel: Some see them as a symbol of rebirth─a manifestation of renewed life... Wandering Minstrel: But that is neither here nor there. Let's have a look around, shall we? Spyglasses at the ready!
Interacting with the Vantage Point (interactive event)
Survey your surroundings for anything out of the ordinary. You may move the camera as well as zoom in and out. Target an area and inspect it with left click/R2/X..
Search for the Unusual! Survey the Burning Wall with an eye for anything out of place. Make an unusual discovery.
Strange Man: Ugh... Strange Man: Where am I...? Strange Man: What...what's going on? Strange Man: A dream led you to me...?
Wandering Minstrel: I understand how absurd that may sound. We, ourselves, were unsure of what awaited us here. Wandering Minstrel: As for who we are, I am content to be known as “the minstrel.” This stalwart hero is Forename Surname. Wandering Minstrel: Might we have the pleasure of your name?
Clive: Clive. I─ The last thing I remember was the ruins... Clive: Hngh! Clive: My head... Where...? How did I come to be in this place...?
Wandering Minstrel: 'Twould seem you were knocked senseless. Confusion is to be expected. Wandering Minstrel: For safety's sake, I suggest we make for town and have a Phrontistery physician look you over. Wandering Minstrel: I shall see our patient receives proper treatment. Would you mind waiting for us at Scholars' Walk?