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Pick-up Sticks

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Collection FATE icon.png

Pick-up Sticks

Starting NPC
FATE trigger (map icon).png
Crystarium Botanist
Lakeland (X:21.8, Y:24.1)
15 min
48,924 Experience
142 Gil
12 Bicolor Gemstone
Creeping Nightshade
Flowering Nightshade

The efforts of a logger come to harvest timber for vital construction in the Crystarium have been stymied by territorial triffids. For an experienced hero, however, retrieving the fallen lumber should be as child's play.

— In-game description

Pick-up Sticks is a level 71 FATE spawned in Lakeland.


  • A Level 71 Crystarium Botanist will appear on the map around 21, 24.
  • Speak to them to spawn the FATE.
  • Deliver 18 Lakeland Lumber to the botanist to complete the FATE.
  • Collect the lumber from the Fallen Lumber interactive objects and/or slaying the Elder Triffids that spawn with the FATE area.
  • After successful completion of this FATE, the NPC can be followed to the spawn location of FATEFlowering Nightshade.

FATE Chain Information

FATE chain map

This is part of a chain of several "Nightshade" FATEs that spawn in Lakeland. This 7-part chain awards an achievement for completing the final FATE.

  1. FATE: Slay EnemiesCreeping Nightshade (x:10.3, y:22.1)
  2. FATE: Collect ItemsPick-up Sticks (x:21.8, y:24.1), started by Crystarium Botanist
  3. FATE: DefenseFlowering Nightshade (x:24.1, y:26.2)
  4. FATE: Slay EnemiesLooming Nightshade (x:8.6, y:9.8)
  5. FATE: DefenseSubtle Nightshade (x:25.6, y:12.8), started by (Artless Dodger). Note: Spawning may fail (causing chain reset) because it shares a location with FATEEconomic Peril
  6. FATE: Slay EnemiesToxic Nightshade (x:17.6, y:12.0)
  7. FATE: Slay EnemiesDeadly Nightshade (x:17.6, y:12.0) — Awards Not today icon1.png  Not Today achievement


(If NPC that starts the FATE is ignored)
Crystarium Botanist: Alack, the timber is fighting back!

Starting the FATE

Crystarium Botanist: O stranger, hear my plea! The trees have turned, and logger becomes logee! The poets were right─my hubris has undone me!
System: Gather the lumber in the hope that it will quiet the man?
< No >
Crystarium Botanist: Alas and woe, woe is me! If only someone would prune these infernal triffids, these vexatious trees!
< Yes >
Crystarium Botanist: You shall gather the timber for me, you decree? Ah, such noble charity! The fruits of my labor can be collected from the forest floor, you see─though hacking up a triffid would be just as effective, probably.
Crystarium Botanist: The fruits of my labor can be collected from the forest floor, you see─though hacking up a triffid would be just as effective, probably.
<Hand over Lakeland Lumber>
Crystarium Botanist: Alas and woe, woe is me, I─ Oh, timber! That will do nicely, thank you.
Crystarium Botanist: I don't suppose I might trouble you for a few more lengths of the stuff, while you're here? I could ask in verse, if that helps...

Handing over the final Lakeland Lumber

Crystarium Botanist: Boughs tremble, but speak not of the gentle breeze─ Aha, more timber! Thank you, fair stranger.
Crystarium Botanist: Yes, this amount of wood should more than suffice. You are as a hero in one of the epics of eld! An epic involving an abundance of splinters.

Crystarium Botanist: At last does the harvest to my humble hands return! Methinks anon I shall adjourn. ...Hm, that one's a bit much, isn't it?

Elven Dialogue during the Series

(After beating back the Elven brigands)
Elven Brigand/Burglar/Smuggler/Thief/: Take your “victory.”
Just remember, you'll
never be safe.
Elven Brigand/Burglar/Smuggler/Thief/: There's nowhere
in this world
you can run.
Elven Brigand/Burglar/Smuggler/Thief/: Just know that
you will never
have won.
Elven Brigand/Burglar/Smuggler/Thief/: But don't think
your petty heroism
will save you.