A Spectacle for the Ages
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Main Scenario Quest
- Speak with Gates of Judgement.
- Speak with Emmanellain.
- Speak with Emmanellain.
- Speak with Raubahn.
- Speak with Thancred.
- The grand melee is poised to begin, and Lucia would not be late.
- Lucia informs you that the grand melee is to be held in central Coerthas, just outside the city. Allied forces are already en route, and your Ishgardian comrades gather in the shadow of the Gates of Judgement.
- Lord Emmanellain is understandably nervous, though somewhat comforted by your presence. Marshaling his courage, he turns his thoughts from defeat to victory, and the stories he might tell Honoroit when he wakens from his torpor.
- Before the grand melee commences, Lord Emmanellain presents to you a gift: the colors of House Fortemps, which he and his father would have you wear into battle. Obliging his request, you don the armor and take the field with Ishgard, ready to face your brothers and sisters in the Alliance.
- Bards often sing of how, in battles, the champions of armies are wont to shun lesser combatants and seek out warriors of equal strength, that they might enjoy proper sport in the midst of war. So it was that Raubahn Aldynn, General of the Immortal Flames, the Bull of Ala Mhigo himself, swept aside all comers and challenged you to single combat. The raging flames held back all the world, and for a time, there were but two. Yet when at last the flames died down, and the others turned to see, only one remained standing. It was then that Ser Aymeric, raising both sword and voice to the heavens, proclaimed victory for Ishgard, for the day was theirs.
As you watch the Ishgardians celebrate their triumph, Thancred, having finally returned from his quarrel with an errant cyclops, offers his congratulations. Though clearly injured, he brushes aside your concern, declaring that there are many, many more important matters to which you both must attend, one day at a time...as Minfilia would have done.
- Still grinning with the thrill of the fight, Raubahn declares that he had forgotten what it was like to feel so alive. Rarely do men in his position have the opportunity to take part in battle, and he cannot thank you enough for the indulgence. He duly takes his leave, but not before insisting upon a rematch, when time allows. As he strides away, you cannot help but wonder what might have been had the man been possessed of a full set of arms.
- Ser Aymeric's plan appears to have worked faultlessly, strengthening relations between the city–states and providing a victory certain to inspire the people of Ishgard. With a smile, Thancred tells you to be proud, for it was you that made all of this possible.