Occupational Hazards

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Occupational Hazards

Quest giver
South Shroud (X:18, Y:20)
Experience 4,340
Previous quest
Side QuestNo Guts
Side QuestNo Glory

Yoenne wants you to check on the researchers surveying the ruins at Issom-Har.

— In-game description



  • Speak with Irielle.
  • Examine the strange shadow and slay chigoes. 0/5
  • Speak with Irielle.
  • Report to Yoenne.


  • The researchers surveying the ruins at Issom-Har are overdue for their regular visit to Buscarron's Druthers. Head south to the nearby ruins, and look for the researcher known as Irielle.
  • The unsuspecting victims of a swarm of chigoes, Irielle and her colleague had until recently been locked in a battle for their own survival. Though thankfully none the worse for the ordeal, Irielle asks that you discourage any further such attacks by summarily slaying five of the brood.
  • You have exterminated the meddling chigoes and sent the rest of the brood scuttling back into the shadowy depths. Inform Irielle at Issom-Har of your deeds.
  • Irielle and her colleage can now continue their survey, free of the insect menace. Report your success to Yoenne at Buscarron's Druthers.

Yoenne is relieved to hear of her customers' safety, though at the same time disavowing all knowledge of Irielle's brother, or why she would be concerned with his safety.