Eyes on the Empire

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Mainscenarioquest.pngMain Scenario Quest Template:Quest




  • Show the letter of introduction to Bricelt.


  • Lord Portelaine would like to aid you in your search for Biggs and Wedge.
  • According to Lord Portelaine, word of the imperial airship's emergency landing came to the Observatorium by way of Dzemael Darkhold. So as to expedite your mission, he provides you with an introduction letter to show to Ser Bircelt, a knight stationed at the entrance to the subterranean fortress.
  • Ser Bricelt informs you that two captives reportedly fled the airship the instant it landed. You are next directed to seek out a knight named Pierremons, who stands guard at the Aurum Vale.
  • At the Aurum Vale, Ser Pierremons, Ser Pierremons recounts his sighting of the imperial ariship. The vessel has since taken back to the skies, but not before deploying a contingent of imperial troops.