Party and Social text commands

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Command Aliases Usage Description
/join /join Accepts a party invite.
/decline /decline Declines a party invite.
/invite /invite [placeholder] Invites the specified PC to your party. Invites current target when no PC is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/kick /kick [placeholder] Kicks the specified PC from your party. Kicks current target when no PC is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/leader /leader [placeholder] Promotes the specified PC to party leader. Promotes current target when no PC is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/leave /leave Leave your current party.
/partycmd /partycmd, /pcmd /partycmd [subcommand] Executes various party commands. Can only be used to display the Party menu or add party members when participating in a cross-world party.

  Accept a party invite.
  Decline a party invite.
 add [placeholder]
  Invite a PC to your party.
  Leave your current party.
 kick [placeholder]
  Oust a PC from your party.
  Dissolve your current party.

Opens and closes the Party menu when no subcommand is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/partysort /partysort, /psort /partysort Sort the party list in the specified order.
/recordready /recordready [subcommand] Opens and closes the Duty Recorder interface.

  Initiate a record ready check
  to begin recording a duty.
  When all party members
  consent to the recording,
  a countdown will start at
  the specified time.
  Subsequent uses of this
  command during the same
  duty will function as both a
  ready check and countdown.

Opens the Duty Recorder interface when no subcommand is specified.
/readycheck /readycheck, /rcheck /readycheck Initiate ready check.
/ready /ready, /rd /ready Indicate that you are ready when a ready check has been initiated.
/hold /hold, /hd /hold Indicate that you are not ready when a ready check has been initiated.
/countdown /countdown, /cd /cd [subcommand] Opens and closes the countdown interface.

 [countdown time]
  Initiates a countdown starting
  at the specified time. Changes
  made via text commands will
  not be saved in the
  countdown interface. Also,
  notifications will not be
  displayed in the log window.

Opens the countdown interface when no subcommand is specified.

 /countdown 10
 Initiates a countdown starting
 at ten seconds.
/friendlist /friendlist, /flist /friendlist [subcommand] Executes various friend list commands.

add [placeholder]
  Send a PC a friend request.
accept [placeholder]
  Accept a friend request from
  a PC.
deny [placeholder]
  Deny a friend request from a
remove [placeholder]
  Remove a PC from your
  friend list.

Opens and closes friend list when no subcommand is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/blacklist /blacklist, /blist /blacklist [subcommand] Executes various blacklist commands.

 add [placeholder]
  Add a PC to your blacklist.
 remove [placeholder]
  Remove a PC from your

Opens and closes blacklist when no subcommand is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders