Level 50 Gear Guide

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Main article: Level 50 Progression Guide

iLevel (iLvl) of an item determines that item's quality. An item with higher iLvl will usually be better than an item with lower iLvl.

New level 50 players should run the 24-man raid, Crystal Tower, to acquire Item Level 80 armor along with Allagan Tomestone of Mythology and Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery. These Tomestones are used to purchase Item level 90 and Item Level 100 Armor respectively. Additionally the player should start the A Relic Reborn quest to obtain her upgradable Relic Weapon. Players should also run the Duty Roulette daily to obtain extra Tomestones.

  • Players can only obtain 450 Tomestones of Soldiery per week.

Equipment Tiers

iLvl Weapons Armor and Accessories
55 Grand Company Weapons
Loot from Tonberry King in The Wanderer's Palace
Crafted Weapons for A Relic Reborn
Grand Company Armor
Loot from The Wanderer's Palace
60 Loot from Ifrit (Hard) Loot from Amdapor Keep
70 Loot from Garuda (Hard)
Warwolf PvP Weapons
2 Star Crafted Armor
Darklight Armor dropped from Brayflox's Longstop (Hard), Halatali (Hard) and The Lost City of Amdapor
Warwolf PvP Armor
75 Loot from Good King Moggle Mog XII None
80 Relic Weapon from A Relic Reborn
Loot from Titan (Hard)
Loot from Labyrinth of the Ancients of Crystal Tower
Loot from Ultima Weapon (Hard)
90 Zenith Relic Weapons upgraded from Relic Weapons
Direwolf PvP Weapons
Armor purchased with Allagan Tomestone of Mythology
3 Star Crafted
Direwolf PvP Armor
Loot from The Binding Coil of Bahamut
Accessories from Garuda (Extreme), Titan (Extreme) and Ifrit (Extreme)
95 Loot from The Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 5
Wave Weapons from Leviathan (Extreme)
100 Atma Zodiac Weapons upgraded from Zenith Relic Weapons
Animus Zodiac Weapons upgraded from Zodiac Weapons
Tidal Wave Weapons upgraded from Wave Weapons with Mirror of The Whorl
Weathered Weapons are purchased with 10 Rowena's Token (Soldiery) and 1 Unidentified Allagan Tomestone
Weapons from The Striking Tree (Extreme)
Weathered Armor are purchased with Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery
Armor from Syrcus Tower
Rings from The Striking Tree (Extreme)
110 Novus Zodiac Weapons
Weapons upgraded from Weathered Weapons and 1 Sands of Time
Loot from The Second Coil of Bahamut
Armor upgraded from Weathered Armor and 1 Sands of Time
Accessories upgraded from Weathered Accessories and 1 Oil of Time
115 High Allagan Weapons dropped from The Second Coil of Bahamut Turn 4

Allagan Tomestones of Philosophy and Mythology Rates and Locations

Dungeon Mythology Soldiery Trial Mythology Soldiery Duty Roulette Bonus Mythology Soldiery
Castrum Meridianum 20 A Relic Reborn: The Chimera 10 4 Low Level Roulette 100 5
The Praetorium 20 A Relic Reborn: The Hydra 10 4 High Level Roulette 70 10
The Wanderer's Palace 50 10 Battle on the Big Bridge 10 4 Trials Roulette 70 10
Amdapor Keep 50 10 Ifrit (Hard) 12 5 Main Story Roulette 80 0
Copperbell Mines (Hard) 50 20 Garuda (Hard) 12 5 Expert Roulette 0 25
Haukke Manor (Hard) 50 20 Good King Moggle Mog XII 12 5
Pharos Sirius 50 20 Titan (Hard) 15 6
Halatali (Hard) 50 45 Leviathan (Hard) 15 5
Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) 50 45 Ultima Weapon (Hard) 15 7
The Lost City of Amdapor 50 45 Garuda (Extreme) ??? 8
Crystal Tower 150 10 Titan (Extreme) ??? 9
The Binding Coil of Bahamut
Turn 1, 2, 4 and 5
20 10 Ifrit (Extreme) 20 10
The Second Coil of Bahamut
Turn 1, 2, 3 and 4
0 30 Good King Moggle Mog XII (Extreme) 20 12
Leviathan (Extreme) 20 12