Elite Marks

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Main article: The Hunt

Ranks, Locations and Spawn Conditions of Elite Marks

Mob Rank Zone Coords Spawn Trigger Spawn Time
Agrippa S Mor Dhona (x14,y13) Find a lot of Treasure Maps. 36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Albin the Ashen B Southern Thanalan None? Every hour?
Alectryon A Western Thanalan None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Barbastelle B Lower La Noscea None? Every hour?
Bloody Mary B Eastern La Noscea None? Every hour?
Bonnacon S Western La Noscea Harvest a La Noscean Leek
The node spawns on 8:00 AM Eorzean time at (x34,y28)
400 Gathering is needed
36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Brontes S Central Thanalan Eat High Quality foods within the spawn locations. 36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Cornu A Outer La Noscea None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Croakadile S Lower La Noscea (x28,y18) Spawns at nightfall (6 - 8 PM) during Full Moon 36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Croque-Mitaine S Middle La Noscea (x16y7) Mine Grade 3 La Noscean Topsoil
The node spawns on 7:00 PM Eorzean time at (x25,y27)
400 Mining is needed
36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Dalvag's Final Flame A Northern Thanalan None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Dark Helmet B Western La Noscea None? Every hour?
Flame Sergeant Dalvag B Northern Thanalan None? Every hour?
Forneus A Central Shroud None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Garlok S Eastern La Noscea (x25,y30) Flaming Arrow into the cave.
Chance to spawn after Showers (rain weather)
36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Gatling B Eastern Thanalan None? Every hour?
Ghede Ti Malice A South Shroud None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Girtab A North Shroud None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Hellsclaw A Eastern La Noscea None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Kurrea A Mor Dhona (x31,y6) None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Laideronnette S Central Shroud Spawns when the area rains 2 to 3 times in a roll. 36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Lampalagua S Eastern Thanalan Do Battlecraft Leves in the area again and again. 36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Leech King B Mor Dhona None? Every hour?
Maahes A Eastern Thanalan None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Mahisha S Outer La Noscea (x25,y15) A lot of players die again and again in the area 36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Marberry A Upper La Noscea None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Marraco A Coerthas Central Highlands None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Melt A Eastern Shroud None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Mindflayer S South Shroud Spawns during 1 of the 3 New Moon nights 36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Minhocao S Northern Thanalan (x17,y18)
During the level 49 FATE Core Blimey. Kill Earth Sprites but don't turn in cores. The Mark spawns nearby after a while. 36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Monarch Ogrefly B South Shroud None? Every hour?
Myradrosh B Upper La Noscea None? Every hour?
Nandi S Upper La Noscea (x28,y21) At least 10 people walk on the stone walkway with their minions out. 36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Naul B Coerthas Central Highlands None? Every hour?
Nahn A Western La Noscea None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Nunyunuwi S Southern Thanalan Perform FATEs in the area again and again 36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Ovjang B Central Thanalan None? Every hour?
Phecda B North Shroud None? Every hour?
Sabotender Bailarina A Central Thanalan None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Safat S Coerthas Central Highlands Many people jump off cliffs and fall to 1 HP over and over. 36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Sewer Syrup B Western Thanalan None? Every hour?
Skogs Fru B Middle La Noscea None? Every hour?
Stinging Sophie B Eastern Shroud None? Every hour?
Thousand-cast Theda S North Shroud Fish a Judgeray between 5PM-9PM
Gathering of 360 or higher is recommended
36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Unktehi A Lower La Noscea None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Vogaal Ja A Middle La Noscea None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Vuokho B Outer La Noscea None? Every hour?
White Joker B Central Shroud None? Every hour?
Wulgaru S Eastern Shroud The Gale that Rocks the Cradle and/or Below His Station Fates 36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Zanig'oh A Southern Thanalan None? Every 3 - 5 hours?
Zona Seeker S Western Thanalan Fish a Glimmerscale during Clear or Fair weather condition
Gathering of 305 or higher is recommended
36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance


Rank Allied Seals Allagan Tomestone of Mythology Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery
B 5 30 10
A 20 80 20
S 50 200 40