The Chefsbane Cometh

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Sidequest.pngCulinarian Class Quest Template:Quest





  • Lyngsath wants you to cook for a distinguished guest in his stead.
  • You learn that Lord Lolorito, one of Ul'dah's most powerful men, has announced his intention to dine at the Bismarck. Apparently, the man is a self-styled food critic, notorious for using his influence to ruin restaurants that fail to satisfy his rarefied needs. In an unfortunate turn of events, Lyngsath has injured his hand, and it falls to you to represent the Bismarck in his stead. In order to learn more about your distinguished guest, the guildmaster recommends you speak with Diving Dove, a native of Ul'dah.
  • You learn from Diving Dove that Lolorito's butler, a fellow by the name of Nonopesa, is presently at the Bismarck. Seek him out and endeavor to discover what manner of cuisine his master may be craving.
  • For a blessing, Nonopesa turns out to be a personable fellow, and you learn from him that Lolorito currently has a hankering for a hearty meal of meat. As per the butler's recommendation, prepare a haunch of smoked raptor of the finest quality, and deliver it to him.
  • Nonopesa is deeply impressed by your smoked raptor. You, in turn, are deeply impressed by his ability to judge food without taking a single bite. What was it that Diving Dove said about Ul'dahn cuisine...? At any rate, it would seem your cooking will satisfy even the exacting requirements of the great Lord Lolorito. Bear the glad tidings to Lyngsath.
  • Nonopesa's high opinion of your food serves to put Lyngsath at ease. The guildmaster thanks you for safeguarding the future of the guild, and proceeds to liken you to his trusty left hand. Keep up your efforts, and you may yet become one of the realm's finest culinarians.