Decaying Gourmand
Decaying Gourmand
Decaying Gourmand is in The Lost City of Amdapor.
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Heavy Darklight Gauntlets | Hands | 70 | Blue | 1 |
Hussar's Gloves | Hands | 70 | Green | 1 |
Darklight Bracers of Striking | Hands | 70 | Blue | 1 |
Darklight Bracers of Aiming | Hands | 70 | Blue | 1 |
Magician's Gloves | Hands | 70 | Green | 1 |
Darklight Gloves of Healing | Hands | 70 | Blue | 1 |
Protector's Sollerets | Feet | 70 | Green | 1 |
Hussar's Jackboots | Feet | 70 | Green | 1 |
Darklight Caligae of Striking | Feet | 70 | Blue | 1 |
Darklight Caligae of Aiming | Feet | 70 | Blue | 1 |
Magician's Shoes | Feet | 70 | Green | 1 |
Darklight Boots of Healing | Feet | 70 | Blue | 1 |