Little Ladies' Day (2016)

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Little Ladies' Day (2016)
Little Ladies Day 2016 banner art.png
Event Start
February 26, 2016
Event Finish
March 10, 2016
Event Chain
Little Ladies' Day
Event Page
Little Ladies' Day (2015)
Little Ladies' Day (2017)

Little Ladies' Day (2016) is a seasonal event that took place from February 26, 2016 to March 10, 2016.

Spring is upon the realm once more, the warm breezes made sweet with cherry blossoms and birdsong. Truly a season of mirth and merriment, especially so for young maidens, as it brings their favorite holiday─Little Ladies' Day.
The streets are alive with excitement as locals and tourists alike rush to line their bags with sweetcakes and fine fabrics. The royal seneschal, however, is focused solely on the Songbirds, an amazing trio of singers he has put together to commemorate this most wonderful occasion. With his plans hitting a few snags along the way, it seems he might be in need of a helping hand to make this year’s festivities extra special.

— Event description


  • To begin the event, speak to the NPC in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x9.2,y9.1)
  • A daily quest will be unlocked by progressing through the seasonal quests. As players complete this daily quest on each World, the Songbirds' costumes and stage decorations will change.




A reporter for the Mythril Eye is writing a column on the Songbirds, an up-and-coming troupe of troubadours, and seeks the opinions of adventurers to complete his work. Those who would know more of this new singing sensation are encouraged to seek him out.
