To-Do List
There are a lot of missing pages and blank spaces in this wiki. In an effort to assist in finding all the problems, please edit this page with bulleted lists of things you see that need done. When an item on the list has been worked on, indicate with parenthesis what was done, and if it still needs more info, pictures, formatting, or anything else.
The main goal for this page is to lay out everything that needs user contributions, so even if you only have a few minutes, it is very easy to find something you are particularly interested in or knowledgeable about and shape it up a bit. Be ambitious!
- Stat Squish - As of Patch 6.0 all sources of
EXP are now out of date. All gear pages will be incorrect as well.
- Gatherer's Boon (I have attempted to remove references to HQ gathering, but may have missed some Freedom4556 (talk) 18:20, 30 December 2021 (UTC))
- Party Finder needs updating to current state. I have added explanations linking to the PF page to all the ARR and HW Ex trials, so now we need to beef it up.
- PvP-related pages are outdated
- PvP Rank needs attention, PvP Gear needs the Stormblood sets, and PvP Actions needs the Additional Actions added somewhere.
- Timers - is Daily and Weekly Checklist not enough?
- Performance Actions - Instruments
- Category:Pages_with_deprecated_templates
- Wanted Pages
- User interface
- Need to improve seafood, Fishing Guide and Big Fishing.
- Fishing Holes - update or merge?
- A Realm Reborn Overhaul needs quest step counts updated. Remove the comment where the step count is the same
- Collectables
- Fishing Collectables
- Tomes of Regional Folklore (Fisher)
- Ephemeral Nodes
- Endwalker Fishing Locations
We need to decide if it's okay to post full custcene videos on quest pages. I'm not talking about trial/raid/dungeon guides. These are Let's Play type videos containing all story content. It's a copyright issue. See all recent Endwalker quests, ex Where Kn∞wledge Leads.
- I have removed them all for now, and I agree, it's also been highlighted that its self promoting their own videos.
Links to Eorzea Database and Garland Tools in Quest and Item Infoboxes
I added support for links to Eorzea Database and Garland Tools, where more information can be found about any given quest or item. Simply enter the ID numbers from the URLs into the id-edb and id-gt parameters. Examples can be found on It's Probably Pirates (Quest) and Max-Potion (Item). More information can be found on Template:Quest_infobox and Template:Item_infobox.
Here are the additional arguments for It's Probably Pirates:
| id-edb = 83266250b51 | id-gt = 65781
- Just a suggestion for this? Would it make more sense to just add a query search and make the wiki do the work? So for EDB it will just use the query search + the item and find it - instead of us going through all the items again and adding the Id number? (<item here>) Very similar to how other wikis do it (not just ffxiv ones).
Inline Quest Links
I created a template for inline quest links such as It's Probably Pirates to standardize the links and their icons and make them easier to work with. Please change existing links to use the template. For example, change this:
[[File:Mainscenarioquest.png|link=Quests|20px|Main Quest]] [[It's Probably Pirates]]
To this:
{{questlink|main|It's Probably Pirates}}
See Template:questlink for instructions on how to use the template.
Quest Lists
Template:Quest list result format needs someone with programmer skills to check why it is doing errors with 4-digit rewards. Try enabling item rewards for the optional quests on the Primal Quests page to see what I mean. Freedom4556 (talk) 17:33, 30 December 2021 (UTC)
- Guides - Add to or create any of the guides for classes, crafting etc. Most needed guide are crafting class ones.
- Leveling Guide - Update/replace and expand
- PvP Guide
- Guide for Players New to the MMORPG Genre
- Guide for Players Coming from World of Warcraft
- Guide for Players Coming from Elder Scrolls Online
- Guide for Players Coming from Guild Wars 2
- Guide for Players Coming from Star Wars: The Old Republic
Crafting and Gathering
- Tomes of Regional Folklore
- Ephemeral Nodes
- Stormblood Fishing Locations - add in more info as we get it
- Stormblood Spearfishing Locations - add in more info as we get it
- Shadowbringers Fishing Locations
- Some Levequest Entries - Number of items required to complete levequest should be added.
- Collectables - template created for new rarefied turn ins
Side Quests
- Winebaud's Riddles - solve and add all the riddles for The Greatest Story Never Told quest
- Hildibrand - add storyline and lore for Hildibrand quests
- Locations - For most pages in locations, maps need to be updated and NPCs and areas of interest need to be added.
- Seafood
- Glamour Sets
- Armoire
- Is there a way to automatically make a list where Property:Is storable = true ?
- I've added something but very basic bulletlist with an ask query.
- Is there a way to automatically make a list where Property:Is storable = true ?
- Some items are missing references to vendors and need to be updated.
- Mounts need images
Dungeon/Trial/Raid Guides
- Asphodelos the individual floors could use layout consistency. Third Circle is pretty good.
Lore pages - feel free to create any Lore pages and add lore information to any existing pages.
- Students of Baldesion, NOAH, Gods' Quiver
- Eyes of Nidhogg, Dalmasca, Students of Baldesion, Archon, Sekiseigumi, Shazenkai, The Temple Knights, Meracydia, The Eighteenth Floor
- Bozja and related pages:
- Bojza Incident, Bozjan Resistance, Southern Ilsabard, Northern Ilsabard, Gunnhildr, and Blades of Gunnhildr
- Adis the Gifted -where are they mentioned in-game?
- Bojza Incident, Bozjan Resistance, Southern Ilsabard, Northern Ilsabard, Gunnhildr, and Blades of Gunnhildr
- Timeline, Primals, Padjal to expound on.
- Timeline page initial creation made with brief description, a place for a visual timeline created, layout of Eorzean eras added.
- Intend to add a image representing known world timeline in the "Visual" section.
- Plan to add short descriptions &/or links to dedicated pages to the individual eras listed.
- Timeline page initial creation made with brief description, a place for a visual timeline created, layout of Eorzean eras added.
- With the upcoming Endwalker Alliance Raids, The Twelve could use some attention.
- Subaquatic Voyages - Added sectors for exploration, still requires component performance information and links towards components
- Retainers
- Desynthesis Rewards
- Elite Marks - needs images, times and other descriptions.
- Description for each Minion and Mount - since minion and mount menus were updated, SE added a bunch of new description to each minion and mount.
- Fish pages need crafting recipes they're involved in, desynthesis results, fishing holes they're found in and bait that will catch them.
- Estate Sharing
- Gear Pictures ~ Been working on this, Freedom4556
- Small side project after vendors are finished
- As part of the item page revamp I've started using the
template and the{{contained in}}
template. Both link together. - Example: Red Attire Coffer - as you can see the items are shown contained inside the coffer with the
template. - Example: Red Hat - on the separate item pages - you can see
{{contained in}}
has been used and shows any container the item is included in. - This will mostly be used for coffers and possibly lockboxes, maybe other things I've not thought of just yet.
- These two templates work alot better than the loot table and dropped by as it wants you to specify the monster/boss it drops from when it isn't always the case.
I know there are many many more things that need done, like updating pictures and fleshing out descriptions, so post everything you see here so that we all know what needs done!