Sun Mica

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Sun Mica

Item type
Material type
Carpenter frame icon.png 60
Blacksmith frame icon.png 60
Armorer frame icon.png 60
Goldsmith frame icon.png 60
Vendor Value
Gil 15

A decent-sized chunk of rock made up of what appears to be thousands of thin sheets of golden crystal compacted together into a single mass.

— In-game description

Sun Mica is a Stone material used to craft various items.

Obtained By


Level 60* Quarrying

Purchased From

Dropped By

Used For

Crafting Ingredient

Item Rarity Class Level Ingredients
Adamantite ingot icon1.png  Adamantite Ingot (x3)
(Learned from: Master Armorer III)
ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 60 ★★
Adamantite ingot icon1.png  Adamantite Ingot (x3)
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith III)
ABasic Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 60 ★★
Balanced adamantite scythe icon1.png  Balanced Adamantite Scythe
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith III)
BGreen Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 60 ★★
Boltmasters needle icon1.png  Boltmaster's Needle
(Learned from: Master Goldsmith III)
CBlue Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM 60 ★★
Sun mica grinding wheel icon1.png  Sun Mica Grinding Wheel
(Learned from: Master Carpenter III)
BGreen Carpenter frame icon.png CRP 60 ★★
Wrapped adamantite culinary knife icon1.png  Wrapped Adamantite Culinary Knife
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith III)
BGreen Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 60 ★★