Lava Toad
Revision as of 14:46, 6 September 2019 by Whitenorth (talk | contribs)
Lava Toad
- Item type
- Material
- Material type
- Ingredient
- Crafting
- Rarity
- Basic
- Vendor Value
“This giant red toad, native to the swamps of Vylbrand but now found throughout Aldenard, earns its name from the red firerock which once spewed forth from the now-dormant volcano, O'Ghomoro.
— In-game description
Lava Toad is a Ingredient used to craft various meals by the culinarian.
Obtained By
Level 49 Harvesting
Southern Thanalan (Forgotten Springs) (X:14 Y:31)
Level 50 Lush Vegetation patch
Purchased From
Dropped By
Used For
Crafting Ingredient
- Lava Toad Legs (Level 50 Culinarian)