Aetherial Wheel

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Aetherial Wheels, introduced in patch 2.5, can be used in a Free Company House to ready Free Company Actions without spending Company Credit Company Credits. Players can do this by allowing the Aetherial Wheel to accumulate aether over time while in a stand. After several days, the wheel will become Primed and can then be destructively converted into the action.

How to Obtain

Level 1 aetherial wheel stand icon1.png  Level 1 Aetherial Wheel Stand can be purchased from Housing Merchants. Higher levels of stand are made in the Free Company Workshop. Grade 1 Aetherial Wheels can be crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png Alchemists, while Grades 2 and 3 are likewise made using the Free Company Workshop.

How to Use

  1. Place an aetherial wheel stand in your free company estate.
  2. Set your desired aetherial wheel on the aetherial wheel stand, and leave it to accumulate aether over a fixed period of time.
  3. Once it is fully charged, the primed aetherial wheel may be removed from the stand.
  4. Accessing the aetherial wheel stand again will give you the option to convert the primed aetherial wheel into company actions.
  5. After converting the primed aetherial wheel, the corresponding actions will become available immediately and the wheel is lost.

List of Aetherial Wheels

Item Icon Buff Buff Icon Source
Grade 1 Wheel of Confrontation Grade 1 wheel of confrontation icon1.png  The Heat of Battle The Heat of Battle Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Productivity Grade 1 wheel of productivity icon1.png  Earth and Water Earth and Water Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Industry Grade 1 wheel of industry icon1.png  Helping Hand Helping Hand Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Longeing Grade 1 wheel of longeing icon1.png  A Man's Best Friend A Man's Best Friend Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Rivalry Grade 1 wheel of rivalry icon1.png  Mark Up Mark Up Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Company Grade 1 wheel of company icon1.png  Seal Sweetener Seal Sweetener Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Recreation Grade 1 wheel of recreation icon1.png  Jackpot Jackpot Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Initiation Grade 1 wheel of initiation icon1.png  Brave New World Brave New World (Action) Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Capacity Grade 1 wheel of capacity icon1.png  Live off the Land Live off the Land Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Observation Grade 1 wheel of observation icon1.png  What You See What You See Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Efficiency Grade 1 wheel of efficiency icon1.png  Eat from the Hand Eat from the Hand Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Precision Grade 1 wheel of precision icon1.png  In Control In Control Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Dedication Grade 1 wheel of dedication icon1.png  That Which Binds Us That Which Binds Us Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Nutriment Grade 1 wheel of nutriment icon1.png  Meat and Mead Meat and Mead Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Permanence Grade 1 wheel of permanence icon1.png  Proper Care Proper Care Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Swiftness Grade 1 wheel of swiftness icon1.png  Fleet-footed Fleet-footed icon1.png.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 1 Wheel of Pilgrimage Grade 1 wheel of pilgrimage icon1.png  Reduced Rates Reduced Rates Icon.png  Crafted by Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Grade 2 Wheel of Confrontation Grade 2 wheel of confrontation icon1.png  The Heat of Battle II The Heat of Battle II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype II
Grade 2 Wheel of Productivity Grade 2 wheel of productivity icon1.png  Earth and Water II Earth and Water II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype II
Grade 2 Wheel of Industry Grade 2 wheel of industry icon1.png  Helping Hand II Helping Hand II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype II
Grade 2 Wheel of Longeing Grade 2 wheel of longeing icon1.png  A Man's Best Friend II A Man's Best Friend II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype II
Grade 2 Wheel of Rivalry Grade 2 wheel of rivalry icon1.png  Mark Up II Mark Up II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype II
Grade 2 Wheel of Company Grade 2 wheel of company icon1.png  Seal Sweetener II Seal Sweetener II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype II
Grade 2 Wheel of Recreation Grade 2 wheel of recreation icon1.png  Jackpot II Jackpot II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype II
Grade 2 Wheel of Initiation Grade 2 wheel of initiation icon1.png  Brave New World II Brave New World II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype III
Grade 2 Wheel of Capacity Grade 2 wheel of capacity icon1.png  Live off the Land II Live off the Land II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype III
Grade 2 Wheel of Observation Grade 2 wheel of observation icon1.png  What You See II What You See II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype III
Grade 2 Wheel of Efficiency Grade 2 wheel of efficiency icon1.png  Eat from the Hand II Eat from the Hand II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype III
Grade 2 Wheel of Precision Grade 2 wheel of precision icon1.png  In Control II In Control II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype III
Grade 2 Wheel of Dedication Grade 2 wheel of dedication icon1.png  That Which Binds Us II That Which Binds Us II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype III
Grade 2 Wheel of Nutriment Grade 2 wheel of nutriment icon1.png  Meat and Mead II Meat and Mead II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype IV
Grade 2 Wheel of Permanence Grade 2 wheel of permanence icon1.png  Proper Care II Proper Care II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype IV
Grade 2 Wheel of Swiftness Grade 2 wheel of swiftness icon1.png  Fleet-footed II Fleet-footed ii icon1.png.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype IV
Grade 2 Wheel of Pilgrimage Grade 2 wheel of pilgrimage icon1.png  Reduced Rates II Reduced Rates II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype IV
Grade 3 Wheel of Confrontation Grade 3 wheel of confrontation icon1.png  The Heat of Battle III The Heat of Battle III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype V
Grade 3 Wheel of Productivity Grade 3 wheel of productivity icon1.png  Earth and Water III Earth and Water III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype V
Grade 3 Wheel of Industry Grade 3 wheel of industry icon1.png  Helping Hand III Helping Hand III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype V
Grade 3 Wheel of Longeing Grade 3 wheel of longeing icon1.png  [A Man's Best Friend III]] A Man's Best Friend III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype V
Grade 3 Wheel of Rivalry Grade 3 wheel of rivalry icon1.png  Mark Up III Mark Up III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype V
Grade 3 Wheel of Company Grade 3 wheel of company icon1.png  Seal Sweetener III Seal Sweetener III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype V
Grade 3 Wheel of Recreation Grade 3 wheel of recreation icon1.png  Jackpot III Jackpot III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype V
Grade 3 Wheel of Capacity Grade 3 wheel of capacity icon1.png  Live off the Land III Live off the Land III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype VI
Grade 3 Wheel of Observation Grade 3 wheel of observation icon1.png  What You See III What You See III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype VI
Grade 3 Wheel of Efficiency Grade 3 wheel of efficiency icon1.png  Eat from the Hand III Eat from the Hand III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype VI
Grade 3 Wheel of Precision Grade 3 wheel of precision icon1.png  In Control III In Control III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype VI
Grade 3 Wheel of Dedication Grade 3 wheel of dedication icon1.png  That Which Binds Us III That Which Binds Us III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype VI
Grade 3 Wheel of Nutriment Grade 3 wheel of nutriment icon1.png  Meat and Mead III Meat and Mead III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype VII
Grade 3 Wheel of Permanence Grade 3 wheel of permanence icon1.png  Proper Care III Proper Care III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype VII
Grade 3 Wheel of Pilgrimage Grade 3 wheel of pilgrimage icon1.png  Reduced Rates III Reduced Rates III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype VII

List of Aetherial Wheel Stands

Item Icon Grade 1 Wheels Grade 2 Wheels Grade 3 Wheels Cost
Level 1 Aetherial Wheel Stand Level 1 aetherial wheel stand icon1.png  1 0 0 Gil 10,000
Level 2 Aetherial Wheel Stand Level 2 aetherial wheel stand icon1.png  1 1 0 Free Company Crafting
Level 3 Aetherial Wheel Stand Level 3 aetherial wheel stand icon1.png  1 1 1 Schematic board icon.png  Wheel Stand Prototype II
Level 4 Aetherial Wheel Stand Level 4 aetherial wheel stand icon1.png  2 1 1 Schematic board icon.png  Wheel Stand Prototype III
Level 5 Aetherial Wheel Stand Level 5 aetherial wheel stand icon1.png  2 2 1 Schematic board icon.png  Wheel Stand Prototype IV
Level 6 Aetherial Wheel Stand Level 6 aetherial wheel stand icon1.png  3 2 1 Schematic board icon.png  Wheel Stand Prototype V
Compact Level 6 Aetherial Wheel Stand Compact level 6 aetherial wheel stand icon1.png  3 2 1 Resident Caretaker in exchange for
Level 6 aetherial wheel stand icon1.png  Level 6 Aetherial Wheel Stand