Hot Cross Buns

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Daily Quest icon.png

Hot Cross Buns

Quest giver
Rozol Cattlan The Prudent
North Shroud (X:24.6, Y:22.7)
Quest line
Ixali Daily Quests
Required quest
Feature QuestThe Boy from Gridania
Required items
1 Ballast component materials icon1.png  Ballast Component Materials
1 Ballast component icon1.png  Ballast Component
Experience ????? "?????" is not a number.
Gil 628

Rozol Cattlan the Prudent requests the aid of a skilled Disciple of the Hand in tackling a particularly sticky wicket.

— In-game description



Make sure you've equipped Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Ehcatl Wristgloves before attempting to craft the quest items.



  • Rozol Cattlan the Prudent requests the aid of a skilled Disciple of the Hand in tackling a particularly sticky wicket. ※The crafting portion of this quest is recommended for Disciples of the Hand level 6 and above; and the battle portion for Disciples of War or Magic level 45 and above.
  • Content with your work on previous dirigible components, Rozol Cattlan the Prudent has asked for your assistance in the crafting of a high-quality component for the Dezul Qualan's ballast. The materials for the task can be acquired from an independent sutler named Duvicauroix who is known to peddle his wares in and around the Observatorium. Also, you will need to procure a bribe for the finicky Templeton. Rozol has provided you with a shearing knife with which you are to remove the beard of one of the feral crocs lurking about Skyfire Locks.
  • Take the freshly sheared feral croc beard to Templeton at the Observatorium and present it and the ballast component materials for inspection.
  • Templeton is every bit as dishonorable as advertised, and now you have full access to the Highwind Skyways temporary crafting facilities. Use the materials given to you by the Duvicauroix and inspected by Templeton to synthesize a high-quality ballast component, and deliver the finished product to the faction. ※In the event that the status Facility Access: Production II wears off or the synthesis ends in failure, you may try again by speaking with Templeton.
  • You have delivered the ballast component to Rozol Cattlan the Prudent. After this success, the Ixal seems to have given up his feeble attempts to hide his amazement at your work. As for Templeton, the lad seems overly bold in his demands, causing you to worry how much longer this mummer's farce can continue before someone of standing within the Highwind Skyways hierarchy learns of their representative's misdeeds and reassigns him to someplace darker and colder than even Coerthas.