The Chrysalis

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The Chrysalis Video Guide

The Chrysalis is a level 50 trial that pits the players against Nabriales. It is part of the The ??? quest of the patch 2.5 Main Scenario questline. The battle requires a full party of 8 players with average item level of at least 90.

Reward: ?? Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery and ?? Allagan Tomestone of Poetics.



Phase 1: 100% - 80%

At 80%, Players should spread out and absorb orbs. If you alternate between the big and small orbs (big gives physical vulnerability, small gives magical vulnerability) then you won't take much damage. For each orb that hits him he will gain a stack. Small adds do not have much hp and perform a cone AoE. Stack up for heals and Scared Soil if you have 3+ stacks. 7 stacks is instant death for non tanks.

Phase 2: 79% - 40%

He will cast double and then cast spark twice, tanks can taunt to help with this.

At 40%, he will perform the orbs again, see phase 1.

Phase 3: 39% - 20%

He will cast triple and then cast spark three times, again, tanks can taunt to help with this.

After second orb phase he will teleport around and cast end of days, a dodge-able straight line, but the teleports are quite annoying. He will also randomly cast Quake 3, which does AoE damage to party for about 2500 damage on non tanks.

At 20%, he will perform Meteor:

Floor will turn red and give you a bleed. You can run to the edge and keep running while you are sucked in, after the bleed hits 0 you are instantly sucked in. It seemed that if you are sucked in before the bleed expires you take greater damage.

Large meteors will fall, like on the final boss of ST during add phase. The first one will spawn a tear that you must kill to end the phase. After the first one falls then they will continue to fall in greater numbers.

One person needs to stand in each of the circles to reduce incoming damage from the meteors. We saved cd's, used sacred soil, and melee lb3, and it died very quickly.

If you fail to kill tear before big meteor in the center drops, then you will wipe.

Phase 4: 19% - 0%

Tank and Spank



A ruthless Ascian known as Nabriales has intruded upon the sanctum of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, spiriting away both the Antecedent and the powerful relic she refused to yield. Pursue the Paragon through the dimensional rift and prise Minfilia─and Tupsimati─from his tenebrous grasp.
