Thousand-cast Theda
Thousand-cast Theda is a Rank S Elite Mark found in North Shroud. Killing the Elite Mark will grant the player up to 100 Allied Seals, 100 Allagan Tomestones of Soldiery and 10 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics. Player will also have a chance of obtaining a Blood-spattered Mark Log.
North Shroud
(x??,y??), (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
Spawn Conditions
Fish a Judgeray between 5PM-9PM
Gathering of 360 or higher is recommended
36 hours after being killed or 24 hours after maintenance
Tips and Tricks
Botanists call Thousand-cast Theda as well grown a specimen of ochu as ever has been recorded in the North Shroud, but the foolishness of botanists is a fact well known and oft deplored. Most species of this carnivorous family of bindweed use scent to lure their insect prey. Theda, however, is a plant notably lacking in patience and has evolved tentacle-like vines to pluck fish from water, and grows outsized on its rich meals. Along with the fisherfolk of the Shroud, Thousand-cast Theda is the main predator of the Quilled Brimstone Ray. Theda's other favored prey is, coincidentally, the fisherfolk of the Shroud. Hunters suspect a connection, but the foolishness of hunters is a fact well-known. Template:Elite Marks