The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)

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Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) Guide
Tam-tara deepcroft hard map1.jpg

Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) is a level 50 dungeon released in patch 2.3. This Hard Mode dungeon of Tam-Tara Deepcroft requires a light party of 4 players and average item level of 70 or higher.





For tanks, you do nothing. Just hold onto the boss and keep his attention. The gimmick is all on the DPS/Healer. A horde of zombies will be summoned and start chasing one of the players other than the tank. DO NOT ATTACK THEM, kite them. At some point, he will put an orange/red arrow-like mark over someone's head (again, not the tank). That person needs to run in to the horde. This unleashes and AoE that will kill the zombies for you. It looks like you get two chances. If you kill a zombie yourself, the party takes a huge damage resistance debuff that lasts one minute and stacks up to 8 times. If you don't make the boss kill the zombies with his AoE on the first two attempts, you will take the debuff from the remaining zombies a few seconds later after he does his next attack. Go all out on damage during the breaks between hordes.

  • Do not attack the adds. The person with the red arrow mark should go to the person being attacked by the adds.
  • Players should group up in the middle so the player targeted by the adds will always be next to the player marked by the arrow

Spare Body

The friendly NPC, Paiyo Reiyo, is trapped in the middle and you must protect him. The boss has a lot of HP so this can take a while. The key is to stop the guy in the middle from taking any damage. Any time he takes damage the boss will grow bigger and probably gain some sort of buff. If he dies, the boss does a full party wipe attack. At some point these purple balls of energy will come out of the portals and head towards the NPC. You need to have everyone run through them to prematurely detonate them so he doesn't take any damage. Later, there will be two larger balls instead of the bunch of smaller ones. They seem to move slow enough so just knock them out. The boss also has an AoE attack that will leave a danger zone on the floor that causes bleeding type DoT. I was able to keep it on the edge of the map but really be careful not to let the NPC get hit by it.

  • Intercept the orbs spawned by the portals at the edge of the boss room. Do not let the orbs reach the center of the room!

Avere Bravearm

Avere Bravearm will summon demons outside the arena that pop up and make AoE attacks. The casting time for these is really fast so learn to start moving before they attack. They all seem to converge on the tank as well. After a while, a bunch of crawling zombies similar to the Siren fight will appear from the edges and make their way towards the center of the room. The center will cause bleeding damage so stay clear. If any of them reach the circle, a rune on the floor will light up. The more runes light up, the stronger the boss's "Red Wedding" attack will hit and you could face a wipe.

  • Do not let crawling zombie adds reach the center of the room. They will spawn at the edge, kill them ASAP!


Armor and Accessories

Item Icon Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Stats and Attributes
Belt of Divine Death Belt of divine death icon1.png 80 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Waist 37 66 Vitality +11 Intelligence +11 Accuracy +14 Determination +7
Belt of Divine Wisdom Belt of divine wisdom icon1.png 80 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Waist 66 37 Strength +11 Vitality +13 Accuracy +10 Skill Speed +14
Belt of the Divine Hero Belt of the divine hero icon1.png 80 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Waist 52 52 Strength +11 Vitality +13 Accuracy +14 Skill Speed +10
Boots of the Divine Hero Boots of the divine hero icon1.png 80 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Feet 60 60 Strength +15 Vitality +17 Critical Hit Rate +19 Skill Speed +13
Boots of the Divine Light Boots of the divine light icon1.png 80 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Feet 60 60 Dexterity +15 Vitality +17 Accuracy +13 Critical Hit Rate +19
Bracelet of Divine Death Bracelet of divine death icon1.png 80 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Intelligence +11 Critical Hit Rate +10 Determination +10
Breeches of Divine Wisdom Breeches of divine wisdom icon1.png 80 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Legs 107 60 Strength +25 Vitality +27 Critical Hit Rate +21 Skill Speed +30
Breeches of the Divine War Breeches of the divine war icon1.png 80 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Legs 155 155 Strength +25 Vitality +27 Accuracy +21 Determination +21
Choker of Divine Death Choker of divine death icon1.png 80 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Intelligence +11 Determination +10 Spell Speed +10
Choker of the Divine Light Choker of the divine light icon1.png 80 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Dexterity +11 Accuracy +14 Skill Speed +10
Circlet of the Divine Harvest Circlet of the divine harvest icon1.png 80 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Head 43 77 Vitality +15 Mind +15 Piety +13 Critical Hit Rate +13
Crakows of the Divine Harvest Crakows of the divine harvest icon1.png 80 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Feet 43 77 Vitality +15 Mind +15 Determination +9 Spell Speed +19
Cuffs of the Divine Light Cuffs of the divine light icon1.png 80 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Hands 60 60 Dexterity +15 Vitality +17 Accuracy +19 Skill Speed +13
Earrings of Divine Wisdom Earrings of divine wisdom icon1.png 80 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Strength +11 Critical Hit Rate +14 Determination +7
Earrings of the Divine Light Earrings of the divine light icon1.png 80 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Dexterity +11 Determination +10 Skill Speed +10
Halfgloves of the Divine Harvest Halfgloves of the divine harvest icon1.png 80 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Hands 43 77 Vitality +15 Mind +15 Determination +9 Spell Speed +19
Hat of the Divine Light Hat of the divine light icon1.png 80 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Head 60 60 Dexterity +15 Vitality +17 Accuracy +13 Critical Hit Rate +19
Helm of the Divine War Helm of the divine war icon1.png 80 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Head 111 111 Strength +15 Vitality +17 Parry +13 Critical Hit Rate +19
Monocle of Divine Death Monocle of divine death icon1.png 80 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Head 43 77 Vitality +15 Intelligence +15 Determination +13 Spell Speed +13
Ring of the Divine Harvest Ring of the divine harvest icon1.png 80 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Mind +11 Critical Hit Rate +14 Determination +7
Ring of the Divine War Ring of the divine war icon1.png 80 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Vitality +13 Accuracy +10 Critical Hit Rate +14
Robe of Divine Death Robe of divine death icon1.png 80 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Body 60 107 Vitality +25 Intelligence +25 Accuracy +30 Determination +15
Robe of the Divine Harvest Robe of the divine harvest icon1.png 80 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Body 60 107 Vitality +25 Mind +25 Piety +22 Critical Hit Rate +21
Sabatons of Divine Wisdom Sabatons of divine wisdom icon1.png 80 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Feet 77 43 Strength +15 Vitality +17 Accuracy +19 Skill Speed +13
Sarouel of the Divine Hero Sarouel of the divine hero icon1.png 80 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Legs 84 84 Strength +25 Vitality +27 Accuracy +30 Determination +15
Shirt of the Divine Hero Shirt of the divine hero icon1.png 80 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Body 84 84 Strength +25 Vitality +27 Accuracy +30 Determination +15
Shirt of the Divine Light Shirt of the divine light icon1.png 80 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Body 84 84 Dexterity +25 Vitality +27 Critical Hit Rate +21 Skill Speed +30
Tassets of the Divine War Tassets of the divine war icon1.png 80 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Waist 96 96 Strength +11 Vitality +13 Accuracy +10 Skill Speed +14
Tonban of Divine Death Tonban of divine death icon1.png 80 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Legs 60 107 Vitality +25 Intelligence +25 Accuracy +21 Critical Hit Rate +30
Vambraces of Divine Wisdom Vambraces of divine wisdom icon1.png 80 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Hands 77 43 Strength +15 Vitality +17 Accuracy +19 Determination +9
Vambraces of the Divine War Vambraces of the divine war icon1.png 80 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Hands 111 111 Strength +15 Vitality +17 Parry +13 Critical Hit Rate +19



Tam-tara deepcroft hard1.jpg Tam-tara deepcroft hard2.jpg


When the guiding light of one's life is extinguished, it takes uncommon strength of spirit to clamber out of the black pits of despair. Those who want for resilience may yet be pulled up by a friend's helping hand. But what becomes of a brokenhearted maiden who has neither the strength nor the succor to overcome the darkness that threatens to consume her? The answer shall be revealed through the tragic tale that begins with the arrival of a single letter...
