Saint Coinach

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Revision as of 03:47, 25 April 2022 by Brentrobar (talk | contribs)
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Coinach was a young scholar who spent his entire life dedicated to the unearthing of the then fabled Allagan Empire. The Empire was nothing more than a legend in his time, but across Eorzea there were various clues and ruins scattered that would become unearthed from time to time. Though he was an intelligent and studious young man, he abandoned his scholarly pursuits and dedicated himself to unraveling the secrets of the Allag.

This brought only scorn and mockery from his peers, despite him being at the top of his classes. With his coin soon drying up and no funding coming from anywhere, he turned to the mercantile trades to pay for his digs. This took every ounce of his time, energy and funds. Finally, after over five decades, Coinach managed to make several massive strides and discoveries in Mor Dhona that meant the existence of the Allagan Empire could no longer be passed off as mere fiction. All across Eorzea, wealthy scholars and individuals showered him with Gil to continue his excavations, and every university begged him to join their faculty. Though he would pass away a mere year after this discovery, he was canonized by the followers of Althyk, granting him the status of "Saint", and his work would be continued by the Sons of Saint Coinach.