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Once home of a mighty forest, Cedarwood's trees grew straight and strong, and found use as masts and decks upon many a Lominsan vessel. After many years of logging, however, the area is nigh unrecognisable, its flora almost completely changed.

— In-game description

Cedarwood is an area in Lower La Noscea, La Noscea.


Settlement icon.png
Red Rooster Stead

The farmers on the Red Rooster Stead will rarely shy from testing their agricultural acumen on exotic crops or untested growing methods, and take pride in their willingness to sacrifice a harvest if it means a better yield an autumn hence. The plantation's name is said to be taken from the bloody cockfights held after nightfall by the gamekeeps.

Landmark (map icon).png
Blind Iron Mines

Though operations have all but ground to a halt within the Blind Iron Mines, in its heyday the air inside was so full of dust as to rob men of their sight.

Landmark (map icon).png
The Grey Fleet

Sitting high atop Widow Cliffs on the southeastern coast of Vylbrand, the Grey Fleet was built to harness the constant southerly winds funnelled down through the Strait of Merlthor, and use them to power the many mills which grind the region's wheat and full its wool.

Gathering Nodes

Node Item Level Req. Perception Respawn Tome Coordinates
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 10 Mineral Deposit
Earth shard icon1.png  Earth Shard «5» 1 18 (X:28, Y:19.1)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 10 Mineral Deposit
Raw sunstone icon1.png  Raw Sunstone «7» 7 24 (X:28, Y:19.1)
