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Fellowships icon2.png Fellowships are a feature introduced in Shadowbringers (5.1). Fellowships offer a new way for adventurers with common interests to band together. Join up to 10 fellowships on your data center, or make your own and invite up to 1,000 players. Use them to announce community events, recruit for raids and dungeons, relay information to track down elite marks, and more!

Fellowships are gatherings of players who share common interests. Including players designated as the master and admins, fellowships permit up to 1,000 members.

Fellowships are cross-world, and you can belong to a maximum of ten at any given time.

Creating a Fellowship

Select Fellowships under Social in the main menu, then from the Fellowships window select Create Fellowship.

Joining and Searching for Fellowships


You can be invited to join a fellowship by either the master or admins of a fellowship. Once invited, you will be designated as an invitee. By opening the Fellowship window and selecting the fellowship to which you were invited, you can choose to accept the invitation and become a member.


Fellowship Finder

Select Fellowship Finder under Social in the main menu to view a list of fellowships that are searching for members. You can filter by activities and language, and exclude any you have already joined from the search results.


Features of Fellowships

The primary features of fellowships are the posting of notices by the masters and admins, member polls, and the message board.

General Tab


Message of the Day and Notices

Here the fellowship master and admin members can relay important messages to all members of the Fellowship.


Here the fellowship master and admin members can create anonymous polls to field questions to all members of the fellowship. The poll automatically updates with the number of members who answered each option.

The master and admins can select Recruitment to create a new listing in the Fellowship Finder. When viewing the list of fellowships you have joined, a marker next to their name indicates an update on its General tab.


Message Board Tab


All fellowship members can post comments to the message board. Up to 100 comments are displayed, with the oldest being deleted first. The fellowship master and admin members can delete comments at any time.

Members Tab

Fellowships6.png Displays the list of fellowship members. Here the fellowship master can carry out various administrative tasks such as appointing admin members and transferring master privileges. It is also possible to blacklist players. Doing so removes them from the fellowship and prevents them from rejoining in the future.



The following settings can only be changed by the fellowship master:

  • Fellowship Name
  • Activities
  • Blacklist
  • Disband Fellowship

The following options are available as fellowship activities:


The fellowship will be disbanded in the event the fellowship master uses the Home World Transfer Service to move to a different data center.

  • The fellowship will not be disbanded in the event they move to a different World within the same data center.

Characters on the free trial cannot create fellowships.

  • However, they may still join fellowships.

Characters on the free trial cannot be designated as admins.

Characters on the free trial cannot post to the message board during their first 14 days as a fellowship member.