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Ooh Rah

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Ooh Rah

Forward the Royal Marines.JPG
Quest giver
Surito Carito
Upper La Noscea (X:25.6, Y:22.3)
Experience 51,480
Gil 650
Previous quest
Feature QuestFalse Friends
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Feature QuestUnseen

Your time away has not lightened Surito Carito's mood.

— In-game description





  • Your time away has not lightened Surito Carito's mood.
  • Surito Carito reveals his latest theory: the voidsent bound within the amphora unleashed the sickness upon Nym, and fled from its cage after cloaking itself with dark magicks. He says you must track down this invisible voidsent, but that even a scholar of his experience needs time to discover where to start. In the meantime, he asks that you and Alka Zolka focus on training, and introduces Halga Tolga to guide you. Speak with this former officer of the vaunted Nymian Royal Marines near Bronze Lake, and start learning things the hard way.
  • After dressing you down, Halga Tolga demands you show your commitment to the Royal Marines. Demonstrate your resolve now by entering any expression containing the phrase “come hells or high water” with the chat mode in Say.
  • Halga Tolga cannot hear you. Show your spirit again by entering any expression containing the phrase “come hells or high water” with the chat mode in Say.
  • Grudgingly, Halga Tolga admits you have the spirit of a Royal Marine. Now, he bids you prove that you have the courage of one by finding the leader of the Mamool Ja to the east of Bronze Lake. Mock him and his ways with a great big /laugh, and defend yourself if he should take exception to your actions.
  • You have outraged and defeated a band of Mamool Ja. Report back to Halga Tolga near the Wanderer's Palace for your debriefing.
  • Though not overly impressed by either Alka Zolka or you, Halga Tolga concedes that you show promise. However, he is abundantly clear that you have a long way to go. Focus on honing your own skills, he orders you, and you may be able to defeat the invisible voidsent. Someday.

