Magic Beans
Revision as of 17:10, 7 September 2022 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs) (Converted to use Template:Quest infobox)
Magic Beans
“Being from Thavnair, where alchemy is second nature, I vastly underestimated the wonder with which the Easterners would regard our reagent growth agents, and sold out of the stuff in a flash of phosphor. A worthy reward awaits the alchemist who can help my fortunes grow.
— In-game description
Possible Rewards
- 23% chance of 20 Water Crystal
- 23% chance of 20 Lightning Crystal
- 23% chance of 3 Moth Scales
- 10% chance of 25 Water Crystal
- 10% chance of 25 Lightning Crystal
- 10% chance of 3 Nigari
- Deliver a bottle of growth formula eta to Chantine. 0/1
Additional Information
Magic Beans is a level 60 Tradecraft Leve Guildleve in Kugane. Players can start the levequest by talking to Keltraeng in Kugane (x11.6,y9.6).
Tips and Tricks
- Turning in an High Quality
Growth Formula Eta will increase the rewards by 100% giving double amount of
EXP and