Goldsmith Recipes/Level 60

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< Goldsmith Recipes
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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Chrysolite icon1.png  Chrysolite Goldsmith 60 Stone 1 35 290 2160
Confetti-making tools icon1.png  Confetti-making Tools Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 35 290 2700
Gyr abanian souvenir component icon1.png  Gyr Abanian Souvenir Component Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 60 290 1080
Heartfelt gift component icon1.png  Heartfelt Gift Component Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 60 290 1080
Gyr abanian souvenir icon1.png  Gyr Abanian Souvenir Goldsmith 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 2160
Heartfelt gift icon1.png  Heartfelt Gift Goldsmith 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 2160
Grade 2 skybuilders embroidery frame icon1.png  Grade 2 Skybuilders' Embroidery Frame Goldsmith 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 6480
Grade 3 skybuilders embroidery frame icon1.png  Grade 3 Skybuilders' Embroidery Frame Goldsmith 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 6480
Grade 4 skybuilders embroidery frame icon1.png  Grade 4 Skybuilders' Embroidery Frame Goldsmith 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 6480
Skybuilders candelabra icon1.png  Skybuilders' Candelabra Goldsmith 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 6480
Expanse fountain icon1.png  Expanse Fountain
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Outdoor Furnishing 1 70 580 1350
Star ruby music box icon1.png  Star Ruby Music Box
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Tabletop 1 70 580 1350
Star sapphire music box icon1.png  Star Sapphire Music Box
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Tabletop 1 70 580 1350
Aurum regis circlet of healing icon1.png  Aurum Regis Circlet of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Head 1 70 580 2700
Aurum regis planisphere icon1.png  Aurum Regis Planisphere
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Astrologian's Arm 1 70 580 2700
Aurum regis staff icon1.png  Aurum Regis Staff
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 580 2700
Bladed steel jig icon1.png  Bladed Steel Jig Goldsmith 60 Fishing Tackle 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Chrysolite Bracelet of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Bracelets 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite bracelet of casting icon1.png  Chrysolite Bracelet of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Bracelets 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite bracelet of fending icon1.png  Chrysolite Bracelet of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Bracelets 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite bracelet of healing icon1.png  Chrysolite Bracelet of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Bracelets 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite bracelet of slaying icon1.png  Chrysolite Bracelet of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Bracelets 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite earrings of aiming icon1.png  Chrysolite Earrings of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Earrings 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite earrings of casting icon1.png  Chrysolite Earrings of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Earrings 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite earrings of fending icon1.png  Chrysolite Earrings of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Earrings 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite earrings of healing icon1.png  Chrysolite Earrings of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Earrings 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite earrings of slaying icon1.png  Chrysolite Earrings of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Earrings 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite ring of aiming icon1.png  Chrysolite Ring of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Ring 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite ring of casting icon1.png  Chrysolite Ring of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Ring 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite ring of fending icon1.png  Chrysolite Ring of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Ring 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite ring of healing icon1.png  Chrysolite Ring of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Ring 1 70 580 2700
Chrysolite ring of slaying icon1.png  Chrysolite Ring of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Ring 1 70 580 2700
Elixir mixing paraphernalia icon1.png  Elixir Mixing Paraphernalia Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Griffin talon needle icon1.png  Griffin Talon Needle
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 Weaver's Primary Tool 1 70 580 2700
Highland fence icon1.png  Highland Fence Goldsmith 60 Fence 1 70 580 2700
Highland potting fence icon1.png  Highland Potting Fence Goldsmith 60 Fence 1 70 580 2700
Highland stone chimney icon1.png  Highland Stone Chimney Goldsmith 60 Roof Decoration 1 70 580 2700
Highland stone wall icon1.png  Highland Stone Wall Goldsmith 60 Fence 1 70 580 2700
Land diving gear icon1.png  Land Diving Gear Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Rarefied aurum regis earrings icon1.png  Rarefied Aurum Regis Earrings Goldsmith 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Stable supplies icon1.png  Stable Supplies Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Steeping accessory icon1.png  Steeping Accessory Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Effigy components icon1.png  Effigy Components Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 70 696 999
Ceremonial bow components icon1.png  Ceremonial Bow Components Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Culinary knife component icon1.png  Culinary Knife Component Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Dzo shear components icon1.png  Dzo Shear Components Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Korrigan doll icon1.png  Korrigan Doll Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Pristine fruit figurine icon1.png  Pristine Fruit Figurine Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Generous gift icon1.png  Generous Gift Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 70 870 2025
Drum parts icon1.png  Drum Parts Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 70 1044 1350
Mikoshi frippery icon1.png  Mikoshi Frippery Goldsmith 60 Miscellany 1 70 1044 1350
Far eastern antique component icon1.png  Far Eastern Antique Component Goldsmith 60 ★ Miscellany 1 60 297 1092
Orphanage donation component icon1.png  Orphanage Donation Component Goldsmith 60 ★ Miscellany 1 60 330 1120
Far eastern antique icon1.png  Far Eastern Antique Goldsmith 60 ★ Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 594 2212
Orphanage donation icon1.png  Orphanage Donation Goldsmith 60 ★ Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 660 2240
Boundless expanse fountain icon1.png  Boundless Expanse Fountain
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★ Outdoor Furnishing 1 70 660 1400
Moogle miniature icon1.png  Moogle Miniature
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★ Miscellany 1 70 660 2800
Dinosaur skeleton icon1.png  Dinosaur Skeleton
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Outdoor Furnishing 1 70 740 1450
Dinosaur skull icon1.png  Dinosaur Skull
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Outdoor Furnishing 1 70 740 1450
Dinosaur tailbone icon1.png  Dinosaur Tailbone
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Outdoor Furnishing 1 70 740 1450
Faerie chandelier icon1.png  Faerie Chandelier
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Ceiling Light 1 70 740 1450
House fortemps chandelier icon1.png  House Fortemps Chandelier
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Ceiling Light 1 70 740 1450
Living arch icon1.png  Living Arch
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Outdoor Furnishing 1 70 740 1450
Table orchestrion icon1.png  Table Orchestrion
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Tabletop 1 70 740 1450
Tribunal flooring icon1.png  Tribunal Flooring
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Flooring 1 70 740 1450
Aurum regis circlet of casting icon1.png  Aurum Regis Circlet of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Aurum regis crown of healing icon1.png  Aurum Regis Crown of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Aurum regis earrings of crafting icon1.png  Aurum Regis Earrings of Crafting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Earrings 1 70 740 2900
Aurum regis earrings of gathering icon1.png  Aurum Regis Earrings of Gathering
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Earrings 1 70 740 2900
Aurum regis ingot icon1.png  Aurum Regis Ingot
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Metal 3 70 740 2900
Boltmasters needle icon1.png  Boltmaster's Needle
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Weaver's Primary Tool 1 70 740 2900
Cauldronmasters spectacles icon1.png  Cauldronmaster's Spectacles
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Dead hive longpole icon1.png  Dead Hive Longpole
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 740 2900
Dead hive planisphere icon1.png  Dead Hive Planisphere
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 740 2900
Dead hive rapier icon1.png  Dead Hive Rapier
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 740 2900
Endless expanse astrometer icon1.png  Endless Expanse Astrometer
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 740 2900
Endless expanse longpole icon1.png  Endless Expanse Longpole
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 740 2900
Endless expanse rapier icon1.png  Endless Expanse Rapier
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 740 2900
Forgemasters goggles icon1.png  Forgemaster's Goggles
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Gemmasters chaplets icon1.png  Gemmaster's Chaplets
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Hands 1 70 740 2900
Gemmasters coronal icon1.png  Gemmaster's Coronal
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Replica allagan circlet of casting icon1.png  Replica Allagan Circlet of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Replica allagan circlet of healing icon1.png  Replica Allagan Circlet of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Replica dreadwyrm circlet of scouting icon1.png  Replica Dreadwyrm Circlet of Scouting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Replica dreadwyrm circlet of striking icon1.png  Replica Dreadwyrm Circlet of Striking
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Replica dreadwyrm coronet of fending icon1.png  Replica Dreadwyrm Coronet of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Replica high allagan circlet of fending icon1.png  Replica High Allagan Circlet of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Replica high allagan circlet of healing icon1.png  Replica High Allagan Circlet of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Sewing needle icon1.png  Sewing Needle
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Miscellany 1 70 740 2900
Sky pirates cap of casting icon1.png  Sky Pirate's Cap of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Sky pirates cap of healing icon1.png  Sky Pirate's Cap of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Sky pirates mask of scouting icon1.png  Sky Pirate's Mask of Scouting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Sky pirates mask of striking icon1.png  Sky Pirate's Mask of Striking
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith III)
Goldsmith 60 ★★ Head 1 70 740 2900
Crystal chandelier icon1.png  Crystal Chandelier
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Ceiling Light 1 70 880 1650
Diabolos miniature icon1.png  Diabolos Miniature
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Tabletop 1 70 880 1650
Scathach miniature icon1.png  Scathach Miniature
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Tabletop 1 70 880 1650
Astrometer of the round icon1.png  Astrometer of the Round
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Cane of the demon icon1.png  Cane of the Demon
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Cane of the goddess icon1.png  Cane of the Goddess
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Weapon 1 70 880 3300
Eikon iron earring of aiming icon1.png  Eikon Iron Earring of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Earrings 1 70 880 3300
Eikon iron earring of casting icon1.png  Eikon Iron Earring of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Earrings 1 70 880 3300
Eikon iron earring of fending icon1.png  Eikon Iron Earring of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Earrings 1 70 880 3300
Eikon iron earring of healing icon1.png  Eikon Iron Earring of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Earrings 1 70 880 3300
Eikon iron earring of slaying icon1.png  Eikon Iron Earring of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Earrings 1 70 880 3300
Eikon iron ingot icon1.png  Eikon Iron Ingot
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Metal 1 70 880 3300
Eikon iron ring of aiming icon1.png  Eikon Iron Ring of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Ring 1 70 880 3300
Eikon iron ring of casting icon1.png  Eikon Iron Ring of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Ring 1 70 880 3300
Eikon iron ring of fending icon1.png  Eikon Iron Ring of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Ring 1 70 880 3300
Eikon iron ring of healing icon1.png  Eikon Iron Ring of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Ring 1 70 880 3300
Eikon iron ring of slaying icon1.png  Eikon Iron Ring of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Ring 1 70 880 3300
Milpreves of the round icon1.png  Milpreves of the Round
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Sage's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Pole of the goddess icon1.png  Pole of the Goddess
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Rapier of the demon icon1.png  Rapier of the Demon
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Rapier of the fiend icon1.png  Rapier of the Fiend
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Rapier of the goddess icon1.png  Rapier of the Goddess
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Rapier of the round icon1.png  Rapier of the Round
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Replica allagan cane icon1.png  Replica Allagan Cane
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Replica allagan rod icon1.png  Replica Allagan Rod
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Replica allagan scepter icon1.png  Replica Allagan Scepter
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ One-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Replica allagan star globe icon1.png  Replica Allagan Star Globe
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Replica high allagan crook icon1.png  Replica High Allagan Crook
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Replica high allagan staff icon1.png  Replica High Allagan Staff
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Replica high allagan star globe icon1.png  Replica High Allagan Star Globe
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Seeing horde cane icon1.png  Seeing Horde Cane
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Seeing horde handgonne icon1.png  Seeing Horde Handgonne
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Machinist's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Seeing horde rapier icon1.png  Seeing Horde Rapier
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Seeing horde rod icon1.png  Seeing Horde Rod
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Seeing horde star globe icon1.png  Seeing Horde Star Globe
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Staff of the demon icon1.png  Staff of the Demon
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Staff of the fiend icon1.png  Staff of the Fiend
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Staff of the round icon1.png  Staff of the Round
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Star of the demon icon1.png  Star of the Demon
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Star of the fiend icon1.png  Star of the Fiend
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Star of the goddess icon1.png  Star of the Goddess
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Nidhogg miniature icon1.png  Nidhogg Miniature
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Tabletop 1 70 900 1695
Cloud mythril ingot icon1.png  Cloud Mythril Ingot
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Metal 1 70 900 3390
Eikon iron needle icon1.png  Eikon Iron Needle
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Weaver's Primary Tool 1 70 900 3390
Ironworks earring of crafting icon1.png  Ironworks Earring of Crafting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Earrings 1 70 900 3390
Ironworks earring of gathering icon1.png  Ironworks Earring of Gathering
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Earrings 1 70 900 3390
Ironworks ring of crafting icon1.png  Ironworks Ring of Crafting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Ring 1 70 900 3390
Ironworks ring of gathering icon1.png  Ironworks Ring of Gathering
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★ Ring 1 70 900 3390
Sophic barding icon1.png  Sophic Barding
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Other 1 70 500 3800
Sophia miniature icon1.png  Sophia Miniature
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Tabletop 1 70 1000 1900
Scintillant circlet of aiming icon1.png  Scintillant Circlet of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Head 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant circlet of scouting icon1.png  Scintillant Circlet of Scouting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Head 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant circlet of striking icon1.png  Scintillant Circlet of Striking
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Head 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant earring of aiming icon1.png  Scintillant Earring of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Earrings 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant earring of casting icon1.png  Scintillant Earring of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Earrings 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant earring of fending icon1.png  Scintillant Earring of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Earrings 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant earring of healing icon1.png  Scintillant Earring of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Earrings 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant earring of slaying icon1.png  Scintillant Earring of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Earrings 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant ingot icon1.png  Scintillant Ingot
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Metal 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant planisphere icon1.png  Scintillant Planisphere
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant ring of aiming icon1.png  Scintillant Ring of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Ring 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant ring of casting icon1.png  Scintillant Ring of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Ring 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant ring of fending icon1.png  Scintillant Ring of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Ring 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant ring of healing icon1.png  Scintillant Ring of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Ring 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant ring of slaying icon1.png  Scintillant Ring of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Ring 1 70 1000 3800
Scintillant staff icon1.png  Scintillant Staff
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 1000 3800
Sky rat mask of aiming icon1.png  Sky Rat Mask of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Head 1 70 1000 3800
Sky rat mask of casting icon1.png  Sky Rat Mask of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Head 1 70 1000 3800
Sky rat mask of fending icon1.png  Sky Rat Mask of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Head 1 70 1000 3800
Sky rat mask of healing icon1.png  Sky Rat Mask of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Head 1 70 1000 3800
Sky rat mask of maiming icon1.png  Sky Rat Mask of Maiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith iv icon1.png  Master Goldsmith IV)
Goldsmith 60 ★★★★ Head 1 70 1000 3800