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Disambig icon.png This article is about the Leveling dungeon. For the optional level 50 dungeon, see Halatali (Hard).


Halatali (image).png
20 (Sync: 23)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Dungeons (A Realm Reborn)
Req. quest
Feature quest Hallo Halatali
Eastern Thanalan (X:14.7, Y:30.2)

Originally a holy place for the first Lalafell arrived in Eorzea, the twisting labyrinth of natural caverns which wind through this massive mesa were transformed by the Pugilist's Guild into a series of training pits, animal pens and holding cells to accommodate the ever-growing popularity of Ul'dah's coliseum. After the Calamity, however the location was abandoned - those remaining in the pens, left for dead. Not all of them, however, met that fate and now the tunnels are rife with those who survived... as well as the tormented spirits of those who did not.

— In-game description

Halatali is a level 20 dungeon introduced in patch 2.0.


  1. Clear the Hall of the Cesti : 0/1
  2. Activate the chain winch : 0/5
  3. Clear the Hall of the Secutores: 0/1
  4. Defeat Tangata: 0/1


For the path, start by going south towards the Hall of the Cesti for the first boss. Use the Aetherial Flow to proceed to the next section.

Pull the Chain Winches as all 5 will need to be pulled to gain access to the Hall of the Secutores. The fourth one will spawn a gas bomb that will self destruct and kill anyone standing in the AOE - simply stay out of the area and let it go off safely. As the 5th Winch is pulled the door should open. Go down into the pit, kill the boss, and use another Aetherial Flow.

Most groups will simply turn right and go through the Ludus Door immediately, as it is not required to kill the Pit Peiste. This is where the final boss is located.


Halatali Guide

Aggressive difficulty r4.png Firemane

Firemane is a fire elemental that constantly summons wisps as adds. The wisps travel toward the fire pit in the center of the boss room. If they reach the pit, they will explode and deal damage to everyone in your party. Unlike the other bosses, Firemane will not go immune while the adds are spawning, so be sure to burst Firemane down or kill the wisps before they can reach the pit.

Aggressive difficulty r4.png Thunderclap Guivre

Thunderclap Guivre is a drake in a shallow pool of water. It can use Levinshower, a frontal AoE cone attack, and Electrify, a non-self-centered AoE attack which will make the water glow purple; any players standing in the water will take Electrocution icon1.png Electrocution damage over time. Those in the water will take significantly more damage from the lightning attacks, so it is advised to fight on either of the slopes.

During this boss fight, Thunderclap Guivre will walk back to the middle of the pool of water and become invulnerable two times, once at around 65% and once at around 30% HP. He spawns lightning elementals while invulnerable. They will cast lightning spells at the party. Kill the elementals and the drake will become vulnerable again, then repeat.

Aggressive difficulty r2.png Pit Peiste

Pit Peiste is a reptilian optional boss with Rudius Beaks as adds. He is spawned when any player approaches the treasure chest at the open center of a stone circular area. It is not required to complete the dungeon and so is often skipped.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Tangata

Tangata, the giant ox-like creature, is the final boss of Halatali. He has a devastating frontal AoE cone attack. During the fight, Tangata will periodically become invulnerable and create a pool of lava surrounding himself. While invulnerable, he summons Fire Sprites at the open door (one at a time) and streams of wisps from the four torches. The focus is killing three Fire Sprites each phase, which will also be attacking your party members kill the Fire Sprites and Tangata will become vulnerable again. Wisps will travel toward Tangata and explode if they reach him, although this is typically a lower priority than the Fire Sprites. This will happen two times - simply repeat killing the Fire Sprites until he dies.


Name Drops
Coliseum Python
Fire Sprite
Gas Bomb Self-destruct.png  Self-destruct
Heckler Imp
Name Drops
Lightning Sprite
Pit Peiste
Rudis Beak
Scythe Mantis
Thunderclap Guivre


See also: Doctore's Weapons, Doctore's Armor and Doctore's Accessories

Silver Coffer (small).png Firemane

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Coeurls eye icon1.png  Coeurl's Eye Head 22 BGreen 1
Doctores bracers icon1.png  Doctore's Bracers Hands 22 BGreen 1
Doctores chain coif icon1.png  Doctore's Chain Coif Head 22 BGreen 1
Doctores hat icon1.png  Doctore's Hat Head 22 BGreen 1
Doctores ringbands icon1.png  Doctore's Ringbands Hands 22 BGreen 1
Doctores vambraces icon1.png  Doctore's Vambraces Hands 22 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Thunderclap Guivre

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Coeurls eye icon1.png  Coeurl's Eye Head 22 BGreen 1
Doctores bracers icon1.png  Doctore's Bracers Hands 22 BGreen 1
Doctores chain coif icon1.png  Doctore's Chain Coif Head 22 BGreen 1
Doctores chainmail icon1.png  Doctore's Chainmail Body 22 BGreen 1
Doctores harness icon1.png  Doctore's Harness Body 22 BGreen 1
Doctores hat icon1.png  Doctore's Hat Head 22 BGreen 1
Doctores ringbands icon1.png  Doctore's Ringbands Hands 22 BGreen 1
Doctores robe icon1.png  Doctore's Robe Body 22 BGreen 1
Doctores subligar icon1.png  Doctore's Subligar Legs 22 BGreen 1
Doctores tights icon1.png  Doctore's Tights Legs 22 BGreen 1
Doctores trousers icon1.png  Doctore's Trousers Legs 22 BGreen 1
Doctores vambraces icon1.png  Doctore's Vambraces Hands 22 BGreen 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Tangata

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Aetherial brass ear cuffs icon1.png  Aetherial Brass Ear Cuffs Earrings 20 DAetherial 1
Aetherial coral armillae icon1.png  Aetherial Coral Armillae Bracelets 19 DAetherial 1
Aetherial coral ring icon1.png  Aetherial Coral Ring Ring 19 DAetherial 1
Doctores armored bow icon1.png  Doctore's Armored Bow Archer's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores bill icon1.png  Doctore's Bill Marauder's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores buckler icon1.png  Doctore's Buckler Shield 22 BGreen 1
Doctores crook icon1.png  Doctore's Crook Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores cudgel icon1.png  Doctore's Cudgel One-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores fork icon1.png  Doctore's Fork Lancer's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores grimoire icon1.png  Doctore's Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire 22 BGreen 1
Doctores hora icon1.png  Doctore's Hora Pugilist's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores scimitar icon1.png  Doctore's Scimitar Gladiator's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores stilettos icon1.png  Doctore's Stilettos Rogue's Arm 22 BGreen 1
The ludus orchestrion roll icon1.png  The Ludus Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1

Treasure Coffers

Not every chest appears on every run. Only 4 chests will appear total. All possible chests are listed.

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 14.3 Y: 9.9)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Gladiators doctore arms (lv. 20) icon1.png  Gladiator's Doctore Arms (Lv. 20) Other N/A BGreen 1
Doctores bill icon1.png  Doctore's Bill Marauder's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores fork icon1.png  Doctore's Fork Lancer's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores hora icon1.png  Doctore's Hora Pugilist's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores stilettos icon1.png  Doctore's Stilettos Rogue's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores armored bow icon1.png  Doctore's Armored Bow Archer's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores cudgel icon1.png  Doctore's Cudgel One-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores grimoire icon1.png  Doctore's Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire 22 BGreen 1
Doctores crook icon1.png  Doctore's Crook Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 22 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 12.7 Y: 9.0)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Doctores sollerets icon1.png  Doctore's Sollerets Feet 22 BGreen 1
Doctores caligae icon1.png  Doctore's Caligae Feet 22 BGreen 1
Doctores crakows icon1.png  Doctore's Crakows Feet 22 BGreen 1
Aetherial brass ear cuffs icon1.png  Aetherial Brass Ear Cuffs Earrings 20 DAetherial 1
Aetherial coral armillae icon1.png  Aetherial Coral Armillae Bracelets 19 DAetherial 1
Aetherial coral ring icon1.png  Aetherial Coral Ring Ring 19 DAetherial 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 12.0 Y: 9.5)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Doctores chain coif icon1.png  Doctore's Chain Coif Head 22 BGreen 1
Coeurls eye icon1.png  Coeurl's Eye Head 22 BGreen 1
Doctores hat icon1.png  Doctore's Hat Head 22 BGreen 1
Doctores vambraces icon1.png  Doctore's Vambraces Hands 22 BGreen 1
Doctores bracers icon1.png  Doctore's Bracers Hands 22 BGreen 1
Doctores ringbands icon1.png  Doctore's Ringbands Hands 22 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X: 11.6 Y: 7.4)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Doctores chainmail icon1.png  Doctore's Chainmail Body 22 BGreen 1
Doctores harness icon1.png  Doctore's Harness Body 22 BGreen 1
Doctores robe icon1.png  Doctore's Robe Body 22 BGreen 1
Doctores trousers icon1.png  Doctore's Trousers Legs 22 BGreen 1
Doctores subligar icon1.png  Doctore's Subligar Legs 22 BGreen 1
Doctores tights icon1.png  Doctore's Tights Legs 22 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 5 (X: 10.4 Y: 8.6)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Gladiators doctore arms (lv. 20) icon1.png  Gladiator's Doctore Arms (Lv. 20) Other N/A BGreen 1
Doctores bill icon1.png  Doctore's Bill Marauder's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores fork icon1.png  Doctore's Fork Lancer's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores hora icon1.png  Doctore's Hora Pugilist's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores stilettos icon1.png  Doctore's Stilettos Rogue's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores armored bow icon1.png  Doctore's Armored Bow Archer's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores cudgel icon1.png  Doctore's Cudgel One-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 22 BGreen 1
Doctores grimoire icon1.png  Doctore's Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire 22 BGreen 1
Doctores crook icon1.png  Doctore's Crook Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 22 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 6 (X: 9.5 Y: 8.9)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Aetherial brass ear cuffs icon1.png  Aetherial Brass Ear Cuffs Earrings 20 DAetherial 1
Aetherial coral armillae icon1.png  Aetherial Coral Armillae Bracelets 19 DAetherial 1
Aetherial coral ring icon1.png  Aetherial Coral Ring Ring 19 DAetherial 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 7 (X: 11.8 Y: 8.5)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Doctores chainmail icon1.png  Doctore's Chainmail Body 22 BGreen 1
Doctores harness icon1.png  Doctore's Harness Body 22 BGreen 1
Doctores robe icon1.png  Doctore's Robe Body 22 BGreen 1
Doctores trousers icon1.png  Doctore's Trousers Legs 22 BGreen 1
Doctores subligar icon1.png  Doctore's Subligar Legs 22 BGreen 1
Doctores tights icon1.png  Doctore's Tights Legs 22 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 8 (X: 8.7 Y: 11.2)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Doctores sollerets icon1.png  Doctore's Sollerets Feet 22 BGreen 1
Doctores caligae icon1.png  Doctore's Caligae Feet 22 BGreen 1
Doctores crakows icon1.png  Doctore's Crakows Feet 22 BGreen 1
Aetherial brass ear cuffs icon1.png  Aetherial Brass Ear Cuffs Earrings 20 DAetherial 1
Aetherial coral armillae icon1.png  Aetherial Coral Armillae Bracelets 19 DAetherial 1
Aetherial coral ring icon1.png  Aetherial Coral Ring Ring 19 DAetherial 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm halatali icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Halatali 10 Discover every location within Halatali. - 2.0



Given To The Beasts

Established by the Coliseum Foundation as a training ground for its gladiators, Halatali was home to a menagerie of fighting beasts. In the chaos that followed the Calamity, however, the facility was abandoned and the creatures were left to starve. Five years later, in a bid to resume operations, a team of builders was sent in to survey the premises. But instead of carcasses littering the floors, they found feral beasts prowling the halls, grown unnaturally strong and savage through a ruthless struggle for survival.

Fearless adventurers were called in to eliminate the creatures, and following extensive renovations, Halatali was declared fit for purpose once more. Reporting on its restoration, Ul’dah’s leading paper, the Mythril Eye, hailed Halatali as one of the great post-Calamity revival stories.


While the sultanate ordinarily prohibits the commercial use of voidsent, a generous donation made to the Order of Nald’thal secured an exception for this ogre, which was put to fighting in the Coliseum. It must be noted, however, that the specimen was captured in its natural habitat in Coerthas and not summoned via forbidden magicks.

Adventurous Opposition

With the danger purged and renovations completed, Halatali’s doors were thrown open for the first time since the Calamity, its halls echoing, once more with the familiar clang of steel and the roar of beasts. Seeking to further hone its gladiators' sword arms, the Coliseum Foundation reached out to adventurers for sterner opposition, full many of whom eagerly answered the call, taking to the field in mock battles. Throwing its doors open wider, Halatali later came to host spectacles for the public, most notably the final bout of the prestigious Mythril Cup.


A fearsome manticore commanded by Mumuepo, the disgraced former high priest of the Order of Nald’thal, who took to the bloodsands in order to make bail on corruption charges. No coin is spared in ensuring the battle-fitness and ferocity of this main attraction. To bind such a vicious creature to his will, the thaumaturge is said to have employed an ancient art of enthrallment whose secrets he parsed from an old Belah'dian tome.