Sightseeing Log 78: The Crystal Tower

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The Crystal Tower

ARR sightseeing log 78.png
Log Entry
A Realm Reborn: #78
Mor Dhona (X:27.4, Y:8.0, Z:0.6)
Lookout.png  Lookout
Fair Skies.png Fair Skies or
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Eorzea Time
6PM - 5AM
Speak to Millith Ironheart in Old Gridania (X:10.7, Y:6.0) after completing ARR entries 1-20.

"It was a scene not of this world: a forest of crystal, and in the distance a spire that stretched so high it could have touched the heavens..." Such were the adventurer's words, and I would see as she saw.

— Sightseeing Log Impressions

As if somehow beckoned forth from its hypogeal prison by the events of the Calamity, this sky-scraping spire now commands the Mor Dhonan horizon. Through their research, the Sons of Saint Coinach have determined that the monolith, also known as the Syrcus Tower, was constructed to collect and store the endless energies of the sun.

— Sightseeing Log Vista Record

The Crystal Tower is part of the Sightseeing Log for A Realm Reborn.


Follow path that curves to the left to go to the upper level. Vista is near a tree by the edge.

View from the correct location and weather