In Too Deep
In Too Deep
- Quest giver
- Hobriaut
- Location
- Central Shroud (X:16.6, Y:18.6)
- Level
- 29
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Shocking Discoveries
- Patch
- 2.0
“— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- Obtain water samples from Hopeseed Pond.
- Deliver the bottles of water to Hobriaut.
- Hobriaut is suffering at the hands of the taskmaster Marcette.
- You agree to conduct a water survey on behalf of Hobriaut, who has been worked to the point of exhaustion by the unforgiving taskmaster Marcette. Obtain three bottles of water from Hopeseed Pond.
- You have completed the water survey entrusted to the young researcher Hobriaut. Deliver the three bottles of water to him.
- Though your assistance will spare Hobriaut from feeling Marcette's wrath today, the young researcher still fears for his life.
Accepting the Quest
Hobriaut: <pant><pant> I swear to you, that woman is a fiend! A monster! A greater danger to this realms than all the beast tribes put together, and then some! Why, I speak of Marcette, of course. Hobriaut: No sooner did I return with the three hundred hornet stingers she requested than she sends me off to conduct a water survey at Hopeseed Pond! In my condition, I'm like to fall in face=first and drown. Oh, friend, I'm too young to die! Please say you'll help me... you must!
Delivering the Bottles of Water to Hobriaut
Hobriaut: I don't want to be Research Assistant Seven, Twelve, or Forty-three! I just want to go hoooooooome—hm? Ah, praise the gods, you're back. Were you able to complete the survey? Hobriaut: One, two, three samples from Hopeseed Pond. Wonderful! I cannot thank you enough. Though I cannot help but ponder what other backbreaking tasks might be in my future... Pluck the wisdom teeth of a goobbue? Procure a leaf from a treant's head? The gods only know. Hobriaut: Grandfather, Grandmother...can you hear me up there? Your dear grandson shall be joining you all too soon...