User talk:MnemosyneSargantas

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Bait Shop NPC

           Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
                                   West Hawkers' Alley
                                                     Fieldcraft Supplier
                                                                       Crayfish Ball 2
                                                                       Lugworm       1
                                                                       Moth Pupa     1
                                                                       Pill Bug      2
           Eastern La Noscea
                           Costa del Sol
                                       Merchant & Mender
                                                       Herring Ball        8
                                                       Iron Jig          384
                                                       Krill Cage Feeder 480
                                                       Spoon Worm          7
                                                       Syrphid Basket      7
           Northern La Noscea
                            Camp Bronze Lake
                                           Merchant & Mender
                                                           Honey Worm          8
                                                           Silver Spoon Lure 384
                                                           Stem Borer          9
           The North Shroud
                          Fallground Float
                                         Merchant & Mender
                                                         Bass Ball        6
                                                         Chocobo Fly    324
                                                         Syrphid Basket   7
           The South Shroud
                          Bascarron's Druthers
                                             Arms Supplier & Mender
                                                                  Bass Ball    6
                                                                  Butterworm   5
                                                                  Crow Fly   240
                          Camp Tranquil
                                      Merchant & Mender
                                                      Honey Worm          8
                                                      Silver Spoon Lure 384
                                                      Syrphid Basket      7
           Western Las Noscea
                            Camp Skull Valley
                                            Merchant & Mender
                                                            Crab Ball            5
                                                            Shrimp Cage Feeder 300
                            South Tidegate
                                         Merchant & Mender
                                                         Glowworm           10
                                                         Krill Cage Feeder 480
                                                         Northern Krill     11
                                     Merchant & Mender
                                                     Bloodworm    3
                                                     Goby Ball    3
                                                     Midge Basket 4
                                                     Rat Tail     4

Fishing Statistics La Noscea

       Eastern La Noscea
                       Costa del Sol
                                   Crab Ball 100
                                               Angelfish 20
                                               Blowfish  80
                                   Goby Ball X
                                   Lugworm X
                                   Pill Bug X
                                   Rat Tail 10
                                             Angelfish 10
                       East Agelyss River
                       North Bloodshore
                                      Goby Ball 00
                                      Lugworm 00
                                          Harbor Herring 02
                                                          Ogre Barracuda 2
                                      Pill Bug 00
                                      Rat Tail 00
                                      Spoon Worm 45
                                                  Ash Tuna         4
                                                  Black Sole       9
                                                  Harbor Herring   7
                                                  Sea Pickle      13
                                                  whitelip Oyster  8
                                                  ???              4
                       South Bloodshore
                                      Crab Ball 10
                                                 Blue Coral 3
                                                 Coral Byutterfly 2
                                                 Merlthor Goby 5
                                      Goby Ball 10
                                                 Coral Butterfly 4
                                                 Merlthor Goby   6
                                      Lugworm 15
                                               Merlthor Goby 15
                                      Pill Bug 10
                                                Coral Butterfly 7
                                                Merlthor Goby   3
                                      Rat Tail 10
                                                Coral Butterfly 4
                                                Merlthor Goby   6
                                          Merlthor Goby 01
                                                         Silver Shark 1
       Lower La Noscea
                     Candlekeep Quay 
                                   Goby Ball 10
                                              Moraby Flounder 5
                                              Pebble Crab     1
                                              Tiger Cod       3
                                              Vongola Clam    1
                                   Lugworm 10
                                            Lominsan Anchovy  10
                                   Pill Bug 10
                                             Lominsan Anchovy 2
                                             Moraby Flounder  4
                                             Vongola Clam     4
                                   Rat Tail 10
                                             Lominsan Anchovy 1
                                             Moraby Flounder  1
                                             Rothlyt Oyster   3
                                             Tiger Cod        4
                                             Vongola Clam     1
                             Goby Ball 11
                                        Harbor Herring  2
                                        Merlthor Goby   2
                                        Moraby Flounder 3
                                        Ocean Cloud     2
                                        Pebble Crab     1
                                        Tiger Cod       1
                             Lugworm 10
                                      Merlthor Goby 10
                             Pill Bug 10
                                       Harbor Herring  3
                                       Merlthor Goby   2
                                       Ocean Cloud     5
                             Rat Tail 10
                                       Harbor Herring  2
                                       Merlthor Goby   2
                                       Moraby Flounder 3
                                       Ocean Cloud     1
                                       Pebble Crab     1
                                       Tiger Cod       1
                     Moraby Bay
                              Goby Ball 12
                                         Malm Kelp       1
                                         Merlthor Goby   1
                                         Moraby Flounder 1
                                         Pebble crab     6
                                         Sea Cucumber    3
                              Lugworm 10
                                       Malm Kelp     7
                                       Merlthor Goby 3
                              Pill Bug 10
                                        Malm Kelp       1
                                        Merlthor Goby   1
                                        Moraby Flounder 1
                                        Ocean Cloud     2
                                        Sea Cucumber    2
                                        Vongola Clam    3
                              Rat Tail 11
                                        Malm Kelp       1
                                        Merlthor Goby   3
                                        Moraby Flounder 2
                                        Ocean Cloud     1
                                        Pebble Crab     3
                                        Vongola Clam    1
                     Moraby Drydocks
                                   Goby Ball 10
                                              Harbor Herring  1
                                              Moraby Flounder 3
                                              Ocean Cloud     2
                                              Pebble Crab     3
                                              Tiger Cod       1
                                   Lugworm X
                                   Pill Bug 10
                                             Harbor Herring 6
                                             Ocean Cloud    4
                                   Rat Tail 10
                                             Moraby Flounder    2
                                             Navigator's Dagger 2
                                             Pebble Crab        1
                                             Rothlyt Oyster     2
                                             Tiger Cod          3
                     Oschon's Torch
                                  Goby Ball 10
                                             Moraby Flounder 4
                                             Pebble Crab     2
                                             Tiger Cod       2
                                             Vongola Clam    2
                                  Lugworm X
                                  Pill Bug 10
                                            Moraby Flounder 3
                                            Sea Cucumber    5
                                            Vongola Clam    2
                                  Rat Tail 11
                                            Moraby Flounder 3
                                            Pebble Crab     1
                                            Rothlyt Oyster  3
                                            Sea Cucumber    1
                                            Tiger Cod       3
                     The Mourning Widow
                                  Crow Fly 01
                                            Princess Trout 1  
       Middle La Noscea
                      Nym River 
                              Crayfish Ball 10
                                             Dusk Goby      4
                                             Gudgeon        2
                                             Maiden Carp    1
                                             Princess Trout 3   
                              Moth Pupa 10
                                         Chub          4
                                         Dwarf Catfish 6
                      Rogue River
                                Crayfish Balls 10
                                                Crayfish       2
                                                Dwarf Catfish  4
                                                Princess Trout 4
                                Moth Pupa 10
                                           Crayfish       5
                                           Dwarf Catfish  3
                                           Princess Trout 2
                              Goby Ball 11
                                         Harbor Herring 4
                                         Merlthor Goby  1
                                         Ocean Cloud    4
                                         Vongola Clam   1
                                         White Coral    2
                               Lug Worm 10
                                        Finger Shrimp 5
                                        Merlthor Goby 5 
                              Pill Bug 10
                                        Finger Shrimp  1
                                        Harbor Herring 5
                                        Merlthor Goby  1
                                        Ocean Cloud    1
                                        Vongola Clam   1
                                        White Coral    1
                      West Agelyss River 
                                      Bloodworm 03
                                                 Chub           1
                                                 Gudgeon        1
                                                 Princess Trout 1
                                      Crow Fly 13
                                                Chub             2
                                                Dwarf Catfish    2
                                                Gudgeon          2
                                                La Noscean Perch 2
                                                Princess Trout   5
                                      Floating Minnow 10
                                                       Chub             1
                                                       Crayfsih         1
                                                       La Noscean Perch 7
                                                       Princess Trout   1
                                      Midge Basket 02
                                                    Chub             1
                                                    La Noscean Perch 1
                                      Moth Pupa 01
                                                 Crayfish 1
                      Woad Whisper Canyon
                                       Bloodworm 10
                                                  Dusk Goby  5
                                                  River Crab 5
                                       Crayfish Ball 52
                                                      Dusk Goby     36
                                                      Dwarf Catfish 16
                                       Crow Fly 10
                                                 Dusk Goby        2
                                                 Dwarf Catfish    2
                                                 Glass Perch      5
                                                 La Noscean Perch 1
                                       Floating Minnow 10
                                                        Copperfish       1
                                                        Dusk Goby        1
                                                        Glass Perch      1
                                                        La Noscean Perch 7
                                       Midge Basket 10
                                                     Dusk Goby        1
                                                     La Noscean Perch 6
                                                     River Crab       3
                                       Moth Pupa 10
                                                  Dwarf Catfish 10
                      Zephyr Drift
                                Pill Bug 01
                                          Harbor Herring 1
       Northern La Noscea
                        North Bronze Lake
                                        Bass Ball 10
                                                   Four-eyed Fish 2
                                                   Jade Eel       6
                                                   Pond Mussel    2
                                        Crow Fly 22
                                                  Four-eyed Fish 16
                                                  Jade Eel       2
                                                  Pond Mussel    4
                                        Floating Minnow 10
                                                         Four-eyed Fish 7
                                                         Pond Mussel    3
                              Crow Fly 15
                                        Dark Bass       5
                                        Faerie Bass     3
                                        Four-eyed Fish  1
                                        Warmwater Trout 6
       Western La Noscea
                       Brewer's Beacon
                                     Goby Ball 18
                                                Harbor Herring 10
                                                White Coral    8 
                                     Pill Bug 37
                                               Harbor Herring 28
                                               White Coral    9
                                     Rat Tail 11
                                               Helmet Crab        2
                                               Navigator's Dagger 5
                                               Rothlyt Oyster     3
                                               White Coral        1
                               Crab Ball 39
                                          Blue Coral    17
                                          Saber sardine 22
                       Skull Valley
                                  Goby Ball 33
                                             Merlthor Goby 10
                                             Tiger Cod 23
                                  LugWorm 10
                                           Merlthor Goby 10
                                  Pill Bug 10
                                            Merlthor Goby 10 
                                  Rat Tail 11
                                            Merlthor Goby  1
                                            Razor Clam     2
                                            Rothlyt Oyster 4 
                                            Tiger Cod      4 
                                Goby Ball 19
                                           Harbor Herring   1
                                           Lominsan Anchovy 1
                                           Moraby Flounder  3
                                           Pebble Crab      10
                                           Tiger Cod        2
                                           White Coral      2
                                Lugworm 10
                                         Lominsan Anchovy 10
                                Pill Bug 50
                                          Harbor Herring   24
                                          Lominsan Anchovy 6
                                          Moraby Flounder  7
                                          White Coral      13
                                Rat Tail 10
                                          Harbor Herring 1
                                          Rothlyt Oyster 3
                                          Tiger Cod      6

The Black Shroud

              North Shroud
                         Fallground Float
                                        Crayfish Ball 10
                                                       Brass Loach  2
                                                       Striped Goby 5
                                                       Maiden Carp  3
                                        Midge Basket 10
                                                      Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish 4
                                                      Brass Loach              2
                                                      Dark Sleeper             1
                                                      Maiden Carp              1
                                                      Rainbow Trout            1
                                                      Striped Goby             1
                                            Striped Goby 03
                                                          Shadow Catfish 3
                                        Moth Pupa 15
                                                   Striped Goby 15
              South Shroud
                                 Chocobo Fly 30
                                              Bone Crayfish   3
                                              Climbing Perch 27
                                 Bass Ball 60
                                            Bone Crayfish  17
                                            Climbing Perch 43